
Why Would A Dog Get Hives On His Body Overnight ?


1 Answers

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Anonymous answered
Hives in dogs can be due to insect bites and allergy to many toxins. These allergic reactions can be due to hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to medicines, foods and chemicals etc. Affected dogs can have sores bumps and rashes. Affected organs can be skin, lips, face, tongue and ears. Itching can be severe. Symptoms include
  1. Sore bumps
  2. Rashes
  3. Excessive scratching
  4. Hair loss
  5. Excessive breathing
  6. Swelling of face
  7. Smelly coat
Use of topical corticosteroids and oral antihistamine can help. Inclusion of vitamin A and C in the diet can also help to reduce hives. But ideally, a visit to vet can be more helpful in the proper diagnosis of the problem and treatment.

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