What should I do if I encounter a bear?


2 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , TheDuke, answered

Kass is right. I've encountered many Bears on our wild property up North of me. I just don't move and look down and usually they ignore you and leave. They smell you long before you see them. Be extra careful if you encounter a female with cubs. They are the most dangerous. I try to slowly lay down and curl up and not make a sound. Believe it or not, bears rarely attack humans.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

It seems like a large number of people seem to think that the best way to avoid a bear is to climb a tree.

For your safety, I would not recommend trying to escape a bear in this way.


Because provided the tree is strong enough to support the bear, they actually make excellent climbers...

The best thing to do if you encounter a bear is to follow these guidelines:

  1. Do not run.
  2. Avoid direct eye contact.
  3. Move away very slowly if you are not in immediate danger.
  4. If the bear charges, don't try to outrun it (you won't be able to). Instead, try and stand your ground.
  5. Don't make loud noises. Keep your voice low and monotone. Waving your hands is ok though (it might help the bear distinguish that you are a human, not dinner).
  6. If the bear is dangerously close and you have pepper spray or another effective weapon, that would be the time to use it.
  7. If the bear strikes you, the best positions to assume are either curled up into a ball on your side, or lying down flat on your front.
  8. Remain quiet during the attack (easier said than done)
  9. The best defence is to be prepared. After reading this, if you are preparing to trek through bear country, make sure you are protected or armed.

For entertainment, here is some bear wrestling:


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