
My Dog Has Excessive Thirst Lately. She Eats But Wants Water All The Time. Can You Help?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Increase in thirst of dogs without any physical activity and exercise can be due to diabetes, Cushing disease and kidney problems. Diabetes in dogs can be diagnosed by blood and urine tests. Treatment is by insulin injections.

Cushing disease is characterized by increased levels of cortisone. Most usual reason is tumors in adrenal glands or pituitary gland. Diagnosis is by complete blood count and other blood tests, urine analysis, chest x ray, ultrasound, CT scan or MRI. Treatment depends upon under lying cause and may include surgery and medications.

Dogs can also have many kidney disorders which can be diagnosed by the blood tests, urine tests and x-ray. You should take your dog to vet for differential diagnosis and accurate treatment of your dog.

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