
Can My Guinea Pig Live Alone? Also How Often Do Wash My Guinea Pig Please Please Help Me


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guinea pigs are just fine alone, unless they have lived in a group for a long period of time or with a sibling for enough time to "bond". Also-- unless your guinea pig is a long-haired breed, you shouldn't need to wash it at all. They are pretty good at keeping themselves tiday. If your pet begins to smell musty (from urine trapped in its fur), you can wash it with mild puppy shampoo (key word is MILD) from time to time. My guinea pig had very long, quick growing hair that would trap things and form clumps of... It was pretty gross. We often cut the lumps, gave him a bath, and trimmed his hair when we cleaned his cage, and combed his hair in between to keep it lump-free longer.
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CDOGG commented
I agree as well but my little brother also found these little easy wipe things made especially for guinea pigs and all you have to do is give them a little wipe everynow and then to keep them smelling clean
Anonymous commented
I would definately think about getting a roommate of the same sex for your piggy, they love the company. They are awesome pets and need companionship like anything else. I bought two females and they love each other. But one ended up pregnant from the pet store but I will be taking them on(babies). But I'm told it is very dangerous to have a pregnant guinea pig at such a young age. You can bath them every 3wks, but with the long hair brush everyday. GOOD LUCK!!!
Anonymous commented
I would definately think about getting a roommate of the same sex for your piggy, they love the company. They are awesome pets but need companionship like anything else. I bought two females and they love each other. But one ended up pregnant from the pet store but I will be taking them on(babies). But I'm told it is very dangerous to have a pregnant guinea pig at such a young age.
Good luck with the hair, getting an undercoat comb or brush might help, Daily brushing is a must.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As long as you give them attention and they have a large cage with opportunity to frolic ( not the kind sold in pet stores, the kind you can create for them ) they are happy. Sometimes one GP can dominate another and make their life difficult, so if you do add a new one in, match the dispositions well and make sure the newcomer is thoroughly vet checked. Be sure you increase the space of the housing as well. Too many people underestimate how much space a GP needs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My guinea pig is happy alone.  We have him out a lot (we have a "run" with toys etc.) and he talks to us when he wants attention.  Watch his food intake--this will tell you how he/she is feeling.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think guinea pigs should have a buddy because they can get lonely and they are very sociable animals. Sometimes if you have a friend that has a guinea pig you could take yours there maybe every two days or something, but I'll say my two guinea pigs freckle and annabelle cry if I only take one of them out and don't stop until I put it  back in.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guinea pigs are fine alone but they do like company if you are not around also I bathe my guinea pig when I clean there cage so they are clean and so is the cage I clean my cage about once a week if this do0esnt help then sorry that just what I do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi my name is Shelby I am 12. So you might be thinking y should I listen to a 12 year old. Well I actually grew up with guinea pigs and you should give them a bath at least 5-7 times a month if you have any other questions I can answer any question you have.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes pig love each
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They can live alone but they prefer/like living in gourps. 2 of them should be just fine but try to get 2 females unless you want to have a horde of them :)
Males can be teritorial and so it is not recomanded to keep more males together.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, guinea pigs live alone in the wild anyway so he/she would not mind, he/she might fight wit other guinea pigs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should give your piggie a bath once a month & make sureyou use a baby shampoo so you won't get soap in their eyes Be sure to hold on to him real good while giving him a bath so he won't get to much water in his nose
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guinea pigs should never live alone as they are social animals who get depressed when they live alone and may stop eating. It is fine to wash them, but don't do it too often as they have oils in their fur which keeps their skin healthy. You can get specialist shampoo for small animals from any pet-shop but make sure the animal is completely dry before returning it to its cage as it will freeze
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Anonymous commented
I never new about the oils in their hair thanks. Also, we had 3 G-pigs and 2 of them died. They all shaired a cage.( 1 died from kidney stones, and the other we didnt now why) The last one we have, Minnie, she is alot more social now then when we had the other ones. So not nececeraly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am going away 4 about 1 week can I leave my g-pig alone 4 that long and I only want 1 PLEASE HELP

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