What Is Normal Temperature For A Dog?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The average temperature of a healthy dog is 101 Degrees Fahrenheit, or 38 Degrees Celsius. However, the normal temperature of a healthy dog may range from 99 Degrees Fahrenheit to 102.5 Degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 - 29.2 Degrees Celsius). Like most animals, their fur insulates them against heat loss or gain. Since they don't have any sweat glands other then the ones on their footpads, they pant to reduce body heat.

You can check your dog's temperature either through it's ear, or through an anal thermometer. In case you use the second method, hold the thermometer in the anus for two minutes, making sure someone else is holding the dog's chest and mouth to prevent it from moving.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The average temperature of a healthy dog is 101 Degrees Fahrenheit, or 38 Degrees Celsius. However, the normal temperature of a healthy dog may range from 99 Degrees Fahrenheit to 102.5 Degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 - 29.2 Degrees Celsius). Like most animals, their fur insulates them against heat loss or gain. Since they don't have any sweat glands other then the ones on their footpads, they pant to reduce body heat.

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