My Cat Has Just Had Kittens, One Escaped Now She Has Moved Them To A Spot That Is Not Safe What Do I Do?


2 Answers

Charlotte Luko Profile
Charlotte Luko answered
First of all, you don't say whether your cat is indoor or out but I assume she is out because you say she moved them to an "unsafe" location. If she was indoors she would be safe in most places. Secondly, it would be helpful to know the age of the kittens because newborns don't usually "escape". They don't open their eyes right away and getting too far away from mamma is difficult. What most people don't understand is that no matter how close you and your cat are, she will protect those kittens to her death. When they are first born the first thing we humans want to do is pick them up and cuddle them. That is the biggest mistake we could ever make. The mother cat will move those kittens fifty times if she has to to keep you and anyone else from picking her kittens up or messing with them. She wants no scent on them but her own until they have their eyes open and are able to get around on their own - probably about three weeks old, and then you better be close to mamma. The only exception I can think of is if you have had to help her birth the babies and then your scent is on them from the beginning. Sometimes you will get a female cat that will seek you out when it is time to give birth and want you to stay with her. Usually these females need assistance of some kind during the birthing process, whether it is removing the sack from the kitten because they are coming to fast or actually pulling them from her body. So, I guess what I'm saying is "shame on you" or someone else in your house because you've been messing with those babies. Now that they have been moved, you could grab one and put it in a safer place and mamma will come to get it. That would prompt her to move them once again and at least take them out of the "unsafe" place. I don't recommend this however. Have you ever heard the expression, "Mamma knows best'? Well, mamma does know best. If she feels that those kittens are in danger where they are, she will move them again. I suggest that if you know where they are, you check on her periodically, keep her fed and watered so she can care for the babies and whatever you do, "keep your hands off the kittens". Stand back and marvel at the miracle that has taken place there and when it is time mamma will proudly present her family to you and you can cuddle them all you want.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You grab the Momma kitty when you find her, and have a pior plan on where to put her.  I'd put her on the porch if she's an outside cat, then if she's an indoor car, well, I guess that's a moot point, but no, just find a good spot for her FIRST, then find the Momma and kittys, and re-locate.  Oh, you may want to use a towel, or an old sheet that you've slept on, that makes her realize that your watching over her.  Your scent will attract and keep her in the spot that you've pre-selected.  I'm not a vet, just a cat lover, so I hope this helps!!!  Good luck kiddo!

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