How Can You Tell If A Dog Is Dilated? Can You Answer A.S.A.P Please!


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I  think you can tell if the pelvis looks wider.... I think. I'm only 14.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It should be visible to the naked eye. There are no measurements that need to be taken, if you dog is about to give birth, she will appear nervous and her body temperature will go down to 38 Degrees Celsius. The dilation of the vulva will be such that a puppy can pass through it.

When your dog's temperature falls, allow it into a dark room, preferably where the crate it will give birth in is placed, and make sure it is not disturbed. Puppies will start appearing within 15 minutes to an hour of each other, but if one hour passes with no puppy, call you local vet as there may be something wrong.

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