My Dog Ate Hot Shot Max Attrax Ant Bait, What Do I Do?


11 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
Ant bait is not toxic to dogs. You do however need to assess how much the dog may have consumed. A large dog may not be affected at all by this though a smaller dog may do in large doses. The poison is aimed at ants which as miniscule in comparison to a dog though double checking with a vet is a must.

While waiting to do so, one of the most natural things a dog will do is to chew and eat grass. This is a natural defence mechanism and brings on vomiting. Allow your dog to do this to get rid of any dangerous substances that are still in the stomach.

The dosage is definitely not going to kill the dog. It may make him/her act differently after causing a stomach upset but make sure the water bowl is filled through the night and keep an eye on the dog. There are many emergency vet lines you can call which are open 24 hours. They can be found on the Internet or through your local vet and on the bait or poison box or packaging.

A main concern here is not so much the poison itself but what the dog may have eaten around it. If he/she has eaten the trap, it may be a problem so getting the dog checked by a vet should solve that.

Dogs eat almost everything particularly when they are young and so their immune system works exceptionally well. In this situation, keep an eye out for vomiting, loss of appetite, unusual excessive drooling and abnormal bowel movements.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My Dachshund just did this last night with an ant trap. First off, DON'T PANIC! I called the number on the box and they were staffed 24/7. The rep told me this brand was not toxic to cats, dogs or humans. She told me to wash his muzzle and paws off and give him plenty of water. I gave him a good bath and then gave him some water, a little milk, and a piece of bread. He is fine. Never got sick at all. The rep at the ant trap line told me they were more concerned that he ate the plastic, as it might cause irritation in his stomach. In our case, he spit it out after he chewed it a bit.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Best answer yet!!!! Big thumbs up my two dogs chewed on one each and they are fine, thanks for saving me a costly consult with the vet just to answer these questions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ant baits rarely create problems with toxicity when ingested by dogs.  The toxin material is present in such a small amount and is not a problem when ingested.  Ant bait can cause mild gastrointestinal upset--vomiting and/or diarrhea.  The biggest worry is in he ingested the trap whole it can cause a foreign body obstruction.
On the box of most baits there is a number you can call in the event of ingestion and they often will connect you with the animal poison control.  They can accurately discuss all your concerns.

Rachelle McPherson Profile
When my 6 month old beagle ate an ant trap I called poison control immediately. They told me that the quantity of poison in that particular trap shouldn't be harmful to my dog. If I was concerned about it I could give him a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to get him to vomit. I got off the phone and called my vet as well and they gave me the same information. If you choose to use hydrogen peroxide CALL poison control first because some poisons are more harmful coming back up and going to the vet is the better option. Also, the amount of hydrogen peroxide you should use depends on the weight of your dog, so call your vet to get the exact amount you should use. Too much can be harmful!!! I gave him the hydrogen peroxide and he did vomit several times and he was just fine!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog did the same thing, she is a 25lb beagle and I think she only ingested a little of the poison, and no plastic, she just licked it, but it has been 24 hours and she has vomited 4 times. I called the vet and he said to just let her vomit, don't feed her anything for a while, just let her drink water. Then try to feed her boiled chicken breast, rice, or turkey tomorrow. Anything bland will help calm her stomach down. I have to call again in the morning, but he said she should be ok.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog Molly just ate 4 of these plastic traps. Poision control says the poision is not a problem for a 60 lb dog, but shards of plastic could be. We found thrown up plastic equivalent to about one traps worth. It was all chewed up with no sharp shards so she is probably OK. Poision control and the operator at the 24 hr vet hospital (It's 2:30 am) were vague about whether we should rush in. It's been 3 days since I put out the traps, so she is probably OK.
She eats awful stuff all the time then eats grass to make her self throw up. She doesn't seem to have any symptoms so we are sleeping with her till morning when we can talk to our reg vet. I don't think the plastic is as dangerous as some of the bones and other stuff she finds on the trail. The plastic the traps are made of is not too hard and sharp.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay, PLEASE read this.  Our 3 ;year old Corgi died this afternoon - 24 hours after we found a very chewed up HotShot Max Trap.  The vet also told us that he didn't think it would be fatally poisonous.  We have no way of knowing if there was a direct correlation BUT, as I listen to my 13 year son sobbing, I wish now that I had taken him to the vet immediately.  Better safe than sorry and a very hard lesson learned.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
Grab the package or bottle or whatever if you can and call the veterinarian, emergency clinic or poison control immediately. Whichever number you can get dialed faster. Do not wait and see if symptoms appear because if they do you may have been able to prevent them and the damage the poison has been allowed to do by following appropriate instructions (depends on the ingredients and what they got into) and seeking necessary help sooner. Good luck, hope your pup is okay.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
You call your vet immediately for emergency procedure (if it's soon enough) as you grab anything with a label showing what they ate if you can and high tail it to your vet. If you catch it right away your pup has a better chance of the vet being able to keep a large dose from being absorbed into the system. Hope your pup makes it through and everything turn's out okay.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My idiot beagle ate a whole box of traps today (4 of them). He probably consumed about 50% of the plastic too. He is acting fine at the moment. I will post an update if he starts getting sick, otherwise he's fine.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog ate one of these several minutes ago and not only did my dog just pass away only 5-10 minutes later so did my cat and my beta fish... These are power traps. If only I had a vet on hand they could have saved my dog...

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