I Thought It Was A Mosquito Bite. Doesn't Itch That Much And It's Not Going Away. I Looked With A Hand Mirror. What Is It? See Attached Picture. How Do I Get Rid Of It? Anybody Help!
The consensus seems to be that this is ringworm and as a result you should probably go to a doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible in order to get some professional advice.
In the meantime there are various suggestions, treat it with cortisone cream and maybe Benadryl cream to control the itching. If it is ringworm, then it is contagious and can spread, so try not to have too much contact with it or with others. Lamisil (athletes foot cream) applied several times a day could help and might get rid of it after six weeks, while adding table salt to a lime and rubbing that on is also a possibility (as long as you remember to change the lime each time).
If this can't be diagnosed as ringworm, there is some suspicion that it could be Lyme disease, and while this might be unlikely it can be very serious so it's worth finding a doctor who knows how to identify the disease if your GP is unsure about what the bite is. You will need a test to tell to be sure of the prognosis.
I think the most sensible course of action really is to go and see a doctor as soon as possible so that tests can be run and he can use his knowledge and professional opinion to accurately diagnose your symptoms. Many people will tell you different things but it is only the doctor after running tests that will really be able to help. Don't worry about the situation, but take action on it and then whatever can be done will be.
It almost looks like a brown recluse bite, you should go and see a doctor about it, I don't know where you live, but this is what it looks like for this kind of spider bite. Hope this helps, make sure you go and see the doctor.
My son had the same thing. It looks like ringworm and will spread. Put lamisil (athletes foot cream) on it several times a day, could take six weeks to get rid of but it took 5 weeks to show up after he was exposed.
Most venomous bites will leave a brown or black center (where the venom went in and killed the skin). The ring-shaped rash, though, should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Tiggersmom is probably right -- it's definitely a bite from something that was venomous. Meantime, treat it with cortisone creams and maybe Benadryl cream to keep the itching down.
Hello, I was looking around the web for an answer to my riddling bug bite as well. It looks exactly like yours. It's been there for over a month! It doesn't itch, or sting or anything. I feel it's a spider bite, but why doesn't it go away? I don't have insurance. Well have you found anything for it yet? Has it gone away?
This bite looks VERY much like a Lyme disease bite from a tick. This is very serious and can cause paralysis, severe muscle loss, serious pains and even forms of dementia if not treated. The longer you wait to treat it the longer (years) that it will take to resolve. Find the Lyme Disease Association in your state and ask them to tell you of "Lyme Literate Doctors near you. We drive 90 miles in Michigan to go to ours. Normal GP doctors do not understand how to identify and treat Lyme. A few weeks after the bite you will have no symptoms and in a couple years your whole body including your brain will be saturated with the Lyme Bacteria. It is VERY important to be sure get this analyze you immediately. Best wishes.
I was bitten by a mosquito and the bite soon turned into ringworm that is what I think this is. Since it is in the shape of a ring and the center looks as if it is not as affected (its whiter) .I'm actually sure its ring worm. Be careful it is contagious if you touch it then touch somewhere else on your body its likely you will get it there.
I know it is not a recluse spider bite,otherwise it would be dark in the center and when I was bitten by one it got to be a funny shape 9" one direction and 7" the other. Took many mo.s to heal. Yours looks like a tiny tick???on the lower left 'corner' of the picture inside the red rim. Best go see a doctor.
Hi, my name is Angie, and I'm 13 years old. Now, I may be young but that to me looks like a ring worm. You can see the ring of bumps in a perfect circle, and the middle is caved in. Trust me, that's a ring worm. I think that a simple remedy would be putting table salt on lime, and rubbing it on the ring worm about 3-6 times a day. Remember, use DIFFERENT limes for each time you rub. For example, I rub it on one time, don't use it later on/ the next time. I really hope this helped you, because I've dealt with ring worm two times throughout my life, and I've been taught many home remedies. I would also advice you to use peroxide, and athlete's foot creme. I also heard that acne creme works, but I'm not sure.
I just wanted to say.. If you read the symptoms of ringworm, there are actually quite a few and if it doesn't itch or anything it could either be a bug bite or a rash. I have something that sounds like what you have and I was freaking out because I thought it was ringworm. I have three things on me that look that way, but they're on three different locations of my body. My parents gave me a anti-itch cream that heals bug bites and allergies and that stuff and I've been putting it on for like four days now and they're almost gone now. One of these, I've had for months, and with this cream it's actually fading. So.. If you don't have any other symptoms that ring worm gives out, then try some anti-itch cream. Hope this helps.
I believe it to be one of 2 things. A type of Ring worm, or the rash from a tick bite - it kind of looks the same as what I had, prior to being diagnosed with Lyme disease 8 months later. You should really get it checked out. My friend has suffered with a type of ring worm all winter. Finally got it cleared up a month ago. Lyme is NOTHING to mess with it can ruin your life, and cause you to be very ill. Good luck. Wls/nh
I have had something very similar to this pop up on a few different occasions.. Turns out it was a Lyme rash, and it might take a few weeks to disappear... However if it does disappear on its own, it is NOT ringworm. I know what ringworm looks like, and yes, it looks very similar... However doctors can't know for sure w/out a test. Lyme rashes come in various sizes, so it's hard to know for certain. Definitely get it checked out and make sure you keep good hygiene, for the sake of others.. In case it is ringworm, which is contageous.
It looks like ringworm. You can get a cream to treat it at the drug store. You need to keep it cover as it will spread I would see a doctor just to make sur.
If you care about your life or health you will get into see a doctor right away. Until you do, use triple-antibiotic ointment and keep it wrapped up/covered, probably clean it with soap and hot water at least twice a day if possible.
It looks like a ring worm. Can get them from...for example...public swimming areas and such. Go to your pharmacy and over-the-counter anti-fungal cream.
Looks just like every mosquito bite that my 3 year old grand daughter gets. They don't usually react like that until they are older. Not much we can do
Try blue star ointment for about 2 weeks. If it gets better it could be ring worm or another type of fungus of the skin ...don't worry people who bath can get this it is very common .
It is possible to have been a mosquito bite with you getting a staph infection. You should go to your doctor because you would need antibiotic creams and/or oral antibiotics.
It looks like ring worm I had it and thats what my looked like but bigger I used lamisil or lotrimin if one gives a rash try another because its an allergic reaction
I'm only 12 years old but that is ring worm because I had that exact same thing when I was about 9.You should put fungl cream on it.a ring worm is fungl a disease.If you have cats get them vaccitated.
I have been searching for the answer as well. I first noticed the skin irritation a couple days after I spent the night at a friend's house in late May. I slept on a mattress on the floor. She has two dogs. The next day we went tubing in a lake. A couple days later a series of red bumps popped up on almost every pore in a circle about the size of a quarter. One area on my mid thigh on my right leg. One low thigh near my knee cap on my left leg. They have a slight itch when my thighs get warm. It still looks the same as your picture, hasn't gone away and hasn't worsen (don't worry, keep reading, there's still hope).
It is now the first week of July. I consulted my family doctor in early June and she said it was some kind of flea bite and that is my reaction to it. I'm not fully convinced of my doctor's prognosis, but it sounds more realistic than a ring worm, lyme disease, warts, and whatever everyone else is saying. Especially, when comparing pictures of flea bites to everything else. The fleas seem more believable and there are enough facts to back it up. However, a well studied dermatologist would be the best way to go. After all, they are supposed to be the specialist.
As for a rebellious home-remedy, right now I'm using neosporin to try and heal it (I started scratching it without knowing it while I was sleeping and it started half-bleeding. Since then, I've been able to investigate the wounds I've accidentally recreated. After applying the neosporin to the holes in my skin that ironically didn't fully break skin (you know where you can scratch your skin enough for it to scab even though it didn't actually bleed blood, like that), the inflammation has gone down immensely and it's more or less the diameter of a nickel instead of a quarter. I'd like to say it's a self-remedy, however, it's probably not a very smart one.
Steps: (1) wash hands to hospital surgical standard with anti-bacterial soap, scrub under nails that are long and strong enough to scratch/pick at skin with scrubby brush (if you don't have a scrubby brush you can just wash your hair (if it's long enough); the shampoo/conditioner can make your nails be as clean as your hair plus it gets under your nails which is the main objective) (2) scratch at dry crusty skin carefully, tap into that child's skill of picking scabs, do with care, don't hurt yourself too bad and try not to bleed, if you do, it's all good, just make sure your blood clots well before continuing (3) apply neosporin as if to standard cut and apply band-aid to make sure no infection occurs (just treat it like a regular minor scratch)
As I said, it's not logical to re-injure yourself and treat to that but so far it's working for me. The skin irritation is slowly disappearing. Thank you neosporin!
It might be a new type of infection,or you got bite by a fly and it transfered bot fly eggs. You can cover the infected area with vasiline and plastic. If it doesn't work go to a dermatologist.GOOD LUCK :).
Really don't want to sound stupid but it looks kinda like skin cancer, if not that yeh brown wutever spider, if nothing seems to help defenately go to doc. Hope it gets better. --becca