Well, if it IS a leopard gecko, you will need at least a 10 gal tank- That's what I use. Some fake vegetation maybe, definitely a heating pad, a heat lamp (the dimmer works well), food, a water bowl, a warm hide, a humid hide, some mealworms, crickets, grasshoppers ( they prefer a variation of insects), possibly some moss, and you're good to go!
I Found A Lizard In Middle Tennessee. It Looks Like A Leopard Gecko What Pictures I've Seen Online. It's Not Very Active Like Other Lizards I've Seen Out In The Country. How Do I Care For It?
Most lizards Ned a heat lamp or heat rock, a place for cover, and eat crickets. Since you think it is a leopard gecko all of the previous is in fact true. Picking up a book on geckos would be helpful. You should definitely have someone who knows what they are talking about identify they lizard. Most employees at pet stores know what animal is what because of the signs on their cages. Try contacting a reptile specialist at a zoo, vet, or pet store specializing in reptiles.
I found two leopard gecko south of ft stockton texas . They or babies good health. I have three my self so I'm shore they or leopard gecko . One than there tails looks like something was eating at them. But they look like juveniles leopards.
My question will there tails come back and why or they in texas ?
My question will there tails come back and why or they in texas ?
I would take it to a pet store . I have 2 leopard geckos myself.
Make sure you feed it and care for it.
While I am not all that familiar with lizards, you can call a pet shop and talk to them about it. They would know for sure if you call one that deals strictly with lizards. Hope this helps.
It is illegal to kill or capture a reptile in Tennessee and keep it in captivity. It is a $500 fine. Let it go.
It is a fence lizard and yes it is illegal to keep one in captivity so I would suggest letting it go