
Can A Crocodile Stick Out His Tongue?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No they can not. I just had a question of the day Can a crocodile stick out its tongue and the answer was no
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No he can't. He has tongue that is attached to the bottom of his mouths. But natural, he is unable to stick it out. We all swallow our food with the help of our tongue. But in case of crocodile, he only throws his head back and gravity takes the food down to his throat.

They don't have taste buds either
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No they can't and they can also wag their tail like a doggier
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
Yes it can. Early research has shown that just-born babies imitate when an adult stuck his tongue out, but later Meltzoff discovery shows that newborns will stick out their tongues to imitate adults and the adults can also stick out their tongue.

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