
What Does A Harp Seal Look Like After Its Young?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
After a Harp Seal is young its colour changes and turns Brown,Black,Gray or stays White
the Harp Seal might stay White if it is not that cold in the place of where he or she was born!
Seals take off without there parents around the age of 5 months or 7 months.  Most people say
one thing seals have in common with Polar Bears are they both take off alone at the same age!
Many seals are not ready to take off alone before 5 or 7 months, because they don't know that much about the wild world. Many Seals are not born Brown or Black but Seals can be born Gray
it depends how their mother looks like. A female Seal can have around 3 and 4 babies at the same time!   Hope I Gave Enough Information.  :) :) :) Bye!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When harp seals are first born they are silky and white as snow. When harp seals are older or adult age they can very in what they look like. Some are tan,white,black,grey,or brown. The only thing all harp seals do have in common is they all have a saddle like shape on their backs so sometimes people refer to them as "saddle backs".

  Hope this is enough information for you. ***** :) *****

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