Polar bears are bears that have a thick coat of white fur on their bodies. Their bodies are designed in such a way that they can withstand the extremely cold climate in the Arctic region. In their natural habitat, the temperatures in winter often fall below the freezing point (that is, below zero degrees Centigrade, or when the temperature is in the negative). Polar bears spend most of their day either hunting for food on the pack of ice and snow that covers the entire surface of the Arctic region or swimming in the extremely cold water. Their staple diet is the ringed seal. Polar bears often have to swim long distances to catch the ringed seal. The white fur is an excellent camouflage mechanism as well. It helps them to catch their prey when the seals are lying on the icy surface by sneaking up on the seals. If the polar bear notices the hole of the seal, it waits by the hole until such time that the head of the seal appears out of the hole. Once the seal emerges, the bear drags it out of its breathing hole.
Polar bears find it extremely difficult to catch seals during the summer. Therefore, before the start of the summer season, the polar bear eats as much food as it can, puts on a thick layer of fat called blubber, and then lives off the fat on its body. Female polar bears prefer to hibernate in the dens built by them in the snow. They dig dens in which they go into a deep slumber during the harsh winters. The den of a polar bear is also the place where the female gives birth to, and rears, her cubs.
The polar bear is the world's largest carnivore; it is adapted to one of the harshest environments in the world.The main home of the polar bear is the Arctic but it also lives in, the USA, Canada, Norway, Greenland and Russia, (as shown on map). The polar bear inhabits the Arctic sea ice, water, continental coastlines and islands. The average temperatures in the arctic are -34 C in winter and 0 C in summer. The sea water temperatures in the arctic are -1.5 C in summer and drop to -2 C in winter, which is the point that water freezes. Polar bears prefer ice with leads (Water channels or cracks in the ice which stay open for just a couple of minutes or up to several months depending on the whether conditions and water flow.) And polynyas (Areas of water, surrounded by ice ,that remain open throughout the year due to winds, up wells, and tidal currents These cracks and channels are good so they can hunt seal or other animals in the water. Some polar bears live on land for parts of the year. When pregnant, most females spend the autumn and winter on land and live in maternity dens. The main home of the polar bear is the Arctic but it also lives in, the USA, Canada, Norway, Greenland and Russia, (as shown on map). The polar bear inhabits the Arctic sea ice, water, continental coastlines and islands. The average temperatures in the arctic are -34 C in winter and 0 C in summer. The sea water temperatures in the arctic are -1.5 C in summer and drop to -2 C in winter, which is the point that water freezes. Polar bears prefer ice with leads (Water channels or cracks in the ice which stay open for just a couple of minutes or up to several months depending on the whether conditions and water flow.) And polynyas (Areas of water, surrounded by ice ,that remain open throughout the year due to winds, up wells, and tidal currents These cracks and channels are good so they can hunt seal or other animals in the water. Some polar bears live on land for parts of the year. When pregnant, most females spend the autumn and winter on land and live in maternity dens. It gets extremely cold in the arctic so the polar bear has to keep very warm. Fur The bear is covered in fur except for the tip of its nose and the bottom of their paws. The fur is also used as camouflage in the snow. To keep warm the polar bear has two types of fur; A top layer and a under layer. Top layer is made of long oily hairs act like a warm winter jacket ; It is a protective layer to keep it warm and dry. When it goes for a swim, the top layer keeps the under layer from getting wet. When it is finished swimming it shakes off the water like a dog. The under layer is a soft layer, that acts like a woolly jumper and keeps the bear warm. The spaces in the fur are the same as a woolly jumper-These holes are good at holding warm air, which keeps us warm, this is the same on the polar bear. The air is also good at making things float, lust like a beach ball floats because it has air inside it. The air around the polar bears fur helps it float, just like a life jacket. The polar bear has black skin to assist thermal insulation, warming the bear.
Fat The polar also has fat to keep warm, the fat can be 10cm( 4” ) thick, but this is not as much fat as some mammals like seals. Sometimes the polar bears fat makes it too warm in the summer, sometimes so hot the polar bear is in danger of overheating .To keep cool polar become very lazy and spread out as much as possible. A swim in the cold Arctic Ocean will also keep it cool.
Snow blankets Snow blankets keep polar bears warm too. As a polar bear falls asleep on a snowy, It will be covered by a blanket of snow like the air spaces in the fur there are air spaces between the snow flakes. In the blanket of snow it 0 C which may sound cold but its better than -20 C on the outside. The thick layer of snow will also protect the bear from cold snow bank to sleep in and stay warm.Food Preferences and Resources Polar bear mainly feed on ringed and bearded seals. Depending on the location they also feed on, Harp and Hooded seals and scavenge on carcasses of beluga whales, walruses, narwhals and bow head whales. On occasions polar bears kills beluga whales and young walruses. When polar bears can't find food they will just about any animal they can find, including reindeer, fish, small rodents, waterfowl, sea birds, eggs, vegetarian (including kelp) and berries.
Food Intake A polar bears stomach can hold an estimated 15% to 20% of its body weight. The polar bear only eats this much when it energy demands are high. It can assimilate 84% of the protein and 97% of the fat it eats. Polar bears need an average of 2kg (4.4 lb.) of fat per day to obtain enough energy to survive. A ringed seal, weighing 55kg (121lb.) could provide enough energy for up to eight days. During hibernation polar bears do not eat. Foraging and Eating Polar bears hunt in different ways, the most common way is still hunting. Still hunting is where a polar bear stands motionless by a water hole or a lead edge waiting for a seal to surface, then when a seal surfaces the polar bear will bite in the head or somewhere in the upper body, then it will flip the seal onto the ice. Still hunting usually takes less than an hour, but it will wait much longer. Stalking on Land Stalking on land is normally where a seal is out on the sea ice. Once seen the seal is slowly and steadily stalked by the bear. At 15 to 30m (49 to 98 ft.) the polar bear charges at the seal, with its claws and teeth the bear grabs the seal before it can get to the water. Aquatic stalk The aquatic stalk is where a polar bear hunts a seal hauled-out on the ice. It starts by swimming to a hauled, when the polar reaches the ice edge the polar bear emerges from the water and grabs the seal by with its claws or teeth. Stalking Birth Layers Polar bears hunt ringed seals at their birth lairs in spring when they give birth to their cubs. Seals build their lairs under snowdrifts next to a hole in the ice. The snowdrifts are on stable sea ice attached to land. Once the polar bear identifies the birth layer it slowly and quietly positions it self next to the lair. If the bear smells or hears the seal in the lair, it slowly raises up on its hind legs and crashes down on the lair with it's front paws breaking through the lairs roof, to break the lairs roof it sometimes a few tries are needed, which sometimes gives the seal time to get out of the lair. Mothers most commonly use this method with their young under one year old this is good for the mother because the seal has a high fat content needed for the mother and her growing cubs. Eating Once a seal is captures, a polar bear bites it several times on the head and neck to disable it before dragging it several metres away from the water to feed. To polar bear will eat the skin and the blubber first andand then the meat. The bear doesn't always eat the entire kill. Carcass remains are salvages by other bears, Artica foxes, and gulls. Hearing The polar bears hearing is not much different from humans hearing (25 kHz) but in air, polar bears have wider range of frequencies of hearing that a human. Eyesight Again the polar bear eyesight is similar to the human eyesight. Polar bears have a protective membrane over their eyes to protect them from ultraviolet light. Smell The polar bears smell is acute, and is the most important sense for hunting on land. A polar bear can smell a seal from 1km (0.6 miles) away, and 1m (3ft) under the snow.Polar bears breeding takes place from March to July on the sea ice, but most occurs during April and May. Polar bears find each other by congregating in the best seal hunting habits. The males are found as far and 100km (62mi.) away from the females following their tracks. Females breed about once every three years; therefore there are about three males to every breeding female, so they get a lot of mates over the life time.Competition for females is intense. Before mating, a female polar bear might be accompanied with several males. The males fight fiercely amongst themselves, until the strongest or the largest succeeds in chasing the other males away. When a polar bear threatens to attack another polar bear, it usually lowers its head, flattens its ears back, and gives an open mouth threat and lets out a hiss-like roar. Fights are rarely fatal, but do result to broken canines and scars on the neck and shoulders. Once paired the polar bears will stay together for a week or more.
They have thick coats,swim a long distance,eat fish,their mothers help them crawl and walk,fat to keep them warm,snow blankets keep them warm too,all polar bears are left handed,and when hunting they cover their noses with a paw so they can sneak up on prey
Well when polar bears are born they are made their way to South/North pole. Polar bears are endangered because some are not in North/South pole when they are born.Also they can not see or walk when they are born. After a week a polar bear is about 5lbs. One day they might even be extinct! Polar bears hard lives. There is not much to eat. They are 90lbs about when they are 6. Some don't live to the age of 5! They give us hard lives too. They give us Cancer,heart infection, Tumors,bites. Their fur isn't really white, it is clear. It looks white from the sun. 99% of polar bears are shot everyday. Only 12% lived. They have sharp claws and sharp teeth. They are herbivores. (that means they eat meat) they are very quite. Never pet one. They have delicate skin and bones. They are not so friendly. I hope the don't disappear! That would be so bad. Polar bears are a new kind of animal discovered in 1424. Isn't that cool? They are not a good pet. They can swallow a 9 foot tall man in one bite. I know they are cool. They are not a pet. Never touch one. There noses are black. Claws are black also. Their teeth are sharp, short, and not clean.
They often swim a long distance. They eat fish. Their mothers help them crawl and walk. They are not a nice kind of bear.
I hope I helped with you. I love to help. Wonder if polar bears like to help? Silly XD
Ouch they killed me lol!
XX o
Sincerely, Guest Angel.
P.S. Call me angel I just put guest because I'm a guest.
Once again Silly XD
OW it killed my friend!
XX ______
Silly XD lol! Why do I keep doing that!? Because it is silly!
Firstly since polar bears have many layers of adipose tissue present under their skin, it helps them to survive with the cold temperatures as these tissues have a lot of fat and therefore provide warmth. Secondly, fur also plays an important role since it helps in insulation.
It has black skin to attract sunlight its hairs are hollow tubes for insulation its paws are made so it wont slip it has camouflage it has sharp teeth its fast bla bla