Sounds as though your kitten may be constipated, that can cause the stomach to be hard and swollen also can cause them to have vomiting or stop eating you can check at a pet store for a kitten laxative and if that doesn't seem to help after a couple of days they probably need to go to the vet because this can be very serious and even cause death. Hope she gets better!
Hello and Merry Christmas!! I am concerned that your cat is either constipated or has a Urinary Blockage. Either way, he needs to see a Veterinarian ASAP. Constipation affects cats just as it affects humans. Urinary Blockages in Male cats is cause for concern as it can be deadly if left untreated. I am not saying this to scare you, but you need to be aware. Cats may develop bladder stones or crystals that can cause them to not be able to urinate. The common term we use at the Hospital is FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. This can occur quickly and needs to be treated by a Veterinarian! If your boy has been blocked for more than 24 hours, there can be a high potential for Kidney Damage. The blockage can be caused by a build up of Crystals. These Crystals can develop for a number of reasons. One common reason is Diet. A diet high in Magnesium can cause a buildup of the crystals. Also, changes in the cats environment (new animal in the house, new diet, new litter, really any stressor) causes stress which causes the cat to stop drinking and use the litter box less. Long retention of highly concentrated urine can cause infection and crystal formation and caused FLUTD. You need to take him to the Veterinarian AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If he is constipated, they may need to give him an enema. If he is blocked, they will need to pass a urinary catheter to allow the flow of urine to return. Some Vets will suture the urinary catheter in, put the cat on IV fluids (and IV antibiotics to prevent infection) and monitor the amount of IV fluids given to the amount being passed through the urinary catheter. I promise you that if your boy is blocked, he is in a lot of pain and the Vet can also give him pain medication. He may need to go home on antibiotics and a new diet like Hills C/D Prescription Diet. It contains controlled levels of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and oxalate to reduce the build up of crystals. I hope that I have given you some useful information. I really hope that your Boy is going to be ok also. Please let me know how he makes out with the Veterinarian by leaving me a message in my shoutbox!! Good luck!!
Jennifer - VT, Certified ACO
Jennifer - VT, Certified ACO
The best thing to do would be to have this kitten examined by a veterinarian. There are many causes of diarrhea in kittens. This kitten should be screened for intestinal parasites, infectious disease (feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus), diet issues, and bacterial overgrowth. Diarrhea means food is not being absorbed and digested appropriately. It is very important for kittens to get nutrients during growth. Also the worse the diarrhea the more water is lost through the intestinal tract leading to dehydration. Kittens with chronic diarrhea do not gain weight and develop properly.
All kittens should have a fecal exam and 2 broad spectrum dewormings as part of their kitten vaccination series with a veterinarian.
All kittens should have a fecal exam and 2 broad spectrum dewormings as part of their kitten vaccination series with a veterinarian.
Thanks to all who answered our question; Leo passed away on dec 26, in the morning. Christmas eve and day there were no vets open. He was a great cat, and we will miss him.

Get him to the vet so you don't lose him, there is something serious going on, he must be in a lot of pain to be laying on a bloated stomach, it is quite possible that there is a rupture of sorts in his bowels, or stomach, please get him in as soon as possible. Hope this helps, good luck to you and the kitty.
First of all make sure that your cat is not suffering from constipation. In that case stomach swelling is very common. If it is the case then I suggest you a man herbal medicine Natural Moves for Pets. Moreover, make it a habit of your cat to have a long walk daily in order to make its digestive system working smoothly. But if you thing it is not constipation then e what I diagnose is FIP that is Feline Infectious Peritonitis. It is a viral disease and it has two types. It occurs in kitten or when cats cross an age of 12. Reason is their immune system weakens so they can't fight with this virus if it attacks. In this case accumulation of fluid in abdomen occur which causes heart failure. Some times it results into intestinal tumor.
Accumulation of fluid in belly also takes place in some cases but it is rare. Its virus replicates in cells and causes granulomas. Consult your vet soon because chances of survival of pets suffering from this disease are very rare. We can give cat only supportive care in this case to make it comfortable.
Accumulation of fluid in belly also takes place in some cases but it is rare. Its virus replicates in cells and causes granulomas. Consult your vet soon because chances of survival of pets suffering from this disease are very rare. We can give cat only supportive care in this case to make it comfortable.
I have a foster kitten that has a really swollen belly it is hard and feels almost like it will explode when pick her up. We took her to the vet and they said she had fluid in her belle did test and say that she probably had FIP. They say that cats with FIP usually don't eat and don't exercise. Although my foster kitten eats a lot she also goes to the bathroom normally. She is really cuddly and purrs constantly. I also heard that about half of all cats are carriers of FIP but only some of them are unlucky and it flourishes. Unfortunately there is no cure yet to FIP and no test that can give you a real yes or no answer. If I were you I would definitely take your cat to the vet to get there opinion and test to see if your cat may have FIP, so that (if you have other cats) don't have as great of a chance of getting it.
If he has been checked for works and seems otherwise OK, I wouldn't worry about it. It is not uncommon for some cats to develop a large stomach. If there is no pain, and your cat is eating and pooping and acting normally (well, as normal as cats act), it shouldn't be a major concern. If you're still worried about it you can ask the vet next time you are there.
There might be some sort of inflammation or infection. It is better to take her to the vet. I had a cat and she died few days back because she had swollen stomach and we though its an infection. The vet gave us some medicine to apply on her stomach but soon that infection bust and after few days she was diagnosed cancer :(. So buddy it is better to consult a vet before coming to any conclusion.
Take it to the vet!
1) Could be worms which can be gotten rid of.
2) I found 4 kittens in my boyfriend's car engine. We nursed them to health, or so we thought. Then a neighbor who's brother was a vet looked at them and they had feline leukemia. Their stomachs were swollen.
I hope the kitten is well. But please take it to the vet now!!
1) Could be worms which can be gotten rid of.
2) I found 4 kittens in my boyfriend's car engine. We nursed them to health, or so we thought. Then a neighbor who's brother was a vet looked at them and they had feline leukemia. Their stomachs were swollen.
I hope the kitten is well. But please take it to the vet now!!
You really need to take the kitty to the vet, it might have been abused, and is probably suffering with an injury. When you get it home, make sure that you pet the kitten often, and play with it as this will encourage self confidence. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
It may be worms. Go to the vets and ask for a worming tablet for him, They will weigh him and decide on the correct dose in order to kill the worms.
Also, if he was rescued from the streets (as my current foster kitten was) he has probably not eaten. This creates a swollen/bloated stomach. To cure this, give him lots of small meals of wet food(preferably wet kitten food) each day and maybe even small amounts of kitten milk. If you feed him too much in 1 go, this could cause his stomach to bloat even further.
I hope this helps.
Also, if he was rescued from the streets (as my current foster kitten was) he has probably not eaten. This creates a swollen/bloated stomach. To cure this, give him lots of small meals of wet food(preferably wet kitten food) each day and maybe even small amounts of kitten milk. If you feed him too much in 1 go, this could cause his stomach to bloat even further.
I hope this helps.
Where did you get a 2 week old kitten? Do you also have it's mother? You need to get this kitten to the vet ASAP, because if it has worms and is not treated right away, the kitten could die. Only a vet can tell you for sure what's going on with the kitten! I don't think this is something that can wait. Your kitten is in tremendous pain and needs a vet Tonight if at all possible. Emergency Vets are open 24/7! Good Luck!
There are several things that can cause a distended belly in kittens. Intestinal parasites, gas distended loops of intestines secondary to dietary indiscretion, severe constipation, or diseases that cause fluid to accumulate in the abdomen. The most serious disease that can cause a distended belly in young cats is FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). This cat needs to have an examination by a veterinarian to determine what is causing the swelling and to try to rule out FIP. FIP is a very serious, fatal disease that affects young cats. It can also be hard to diagnose although a certain type of fluid in the belly from a young cat is highly suggestive. I hope it is not this disease.
Your veterinarian will want to run some diagnostic tests after the examination. Once a diagnosis is made a treatment plan can be developed.
Your veterinarian will want to run some diagnostic tests after the examination. Once a diagnosis is made a treatment plan can be developed.
My cat has a swollen belly and her nipples seem to be swollen too. The only problem is, she has been fixed. She also has a lot of trouble with her claws. She can not seem to retract them. She will be runniing along and her claws get stuck in the carpet. What should I do??
The female is pregnant and due to have a litter of kittens.
Whenever you bring a new animal into a home its always a good idea to take them to vet to have them checked out that would really be only way to be sure..give it plenty of time and love and it will be playing in no time
My Cat has a swollen stomach and has really bad wind.Sometimes she leave little 'nuggets' around the house.She has good and bad days.on her bad days she sleeps all day and does not eat.She is about 4 years old.
My cat can't poo and got a swollen tummy think it could b constipation he got a limp to and hasnt been a wee
You should take him to vet and try to get a sample of his poo. It could be worms or possibly another virus, or bacteria...most kittens are born with worms or certain viruses past from the mother. Once he has been dewormed and possibly given an antibiotic you can sprinkle acidophilus powder on his food for a few weeks to help with bloating and runny poo, make sure to get him a high quality food that does not contain corn...I suggest taste of the wild or blue buffalo..try to not change his diet to much and stick to one kind he likes
Sexing kittens seems to confuse some people, but it should be easy enough in an adult cat. If the private parts look like an upside-down exclamation mark, then you have a girl. Males have a gap between anus and penis which is occupied by a very obvious set of testicles (if not neutered) or a gap (if castrated).
I suspect you have a girl and she may be pregnant.
I suspect you have a girl and she may be pregnant.
Sounds like worms, did you use a good liquid dewormer? You can get good ones from a good pet store, my kitten I pulled from a car engine had the swollen tummy but he had the runs too, cleared right up with treatment in a few days. If you don't think it's worms take to vet right away.
Your kitten needs a vet today. That could be a serious viral or bacterial issue or even a birth defect or something at only two weeks. Is the kitten able to go to the bathroom? Your vet will know more after an exam and talking to you but that little one needs to go. Hope your baby is okay and feeling better soon.
Hello, hope he is well! Sounds like an obstruction, or perhaps an UTI. There is also something called FIP, which could be the case. Hopefully not! This would have other conditions that would be a concern of yours. But I would have him seen by your VET! ASAP!!! It could possibly be something small.. I do hope he is okay, let me know!!
My females cat nipple has a big bubble on it what could it be???
He could have eaten something, they are notorious for doing that, and it can be blocking his intestines, I suggest you take him to the vet as soon as you can. Hope this helps, good luck to you and the kitty.
I am bottle feeding a 2 week old kitten. She has stopped meowing and won't eat. She is having normal bowel movements. What can I do?
Well, he/she could be pregnant!! Well that means it's a she. I would take your cat to the vets and verify the pregnancy.
Take Your Cat To The Vet For A Check Up To See What's Wrong With Her If You Don't I't Might Lead To Something Else
I had a kitten like that and it survived maybe you Ned to rub its stomach with a warm damp cloth so it can pee. Really I'm not joking.
So many different things, he could have eaten something that is obstructing his bowels, or he could be constipated, or be injured and you just don't know about it. I suggest you get the kitty to the vet to make sure that he is going to be o.k. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
My cat ate clean litter and now she has a swollen belly and it is hard.
An 18 years old cat,... Anything out of the ordinary had to be checked. Can be so many things and in an old animal, you don't want to take a chance
Sounds like worms take her\him to the vet and have a fecal test done this will test for worms if so what type they are and whats in your cats poo
Basically your kitten has been abused and you should leave its rear alone. The worms are not toys for your own rear
If it happened suddenly ~ she needed to be seen by a vet IMMEDIATELY. Sounded life-threatening.
IF, tho, it happened slowly over time, and your cat is a she .....and unspayed .. She was probably pregnant!!
IF, tho, it happened slowly over time, and your cat is a she .....and unspayed .. She was probably pregnant!!