Dog Coughing Up Blood And Poops Blood But Acts Just Fine Sometimes And Sick Sometimes But Eats And Drinks Just Fine, What To Do?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My 1 yr old Cocker Spaniel puppy just coughed up a few specks of I am very concerned because my mum keeps saying he looks skinny n you can see his spine...but he gets fed 3 times a day and he get loads of treats for being good and doing his tricks....I have noticed also that his faeces is never the same that I mean one day it's solid...then the next 2 days it'd orange and like a slushie...he ad also on quite a fu times just started vominting spontaneously but when you look at him he's a picture of perfect health - bouncing about, loves to run and walk, loves doing his special tricks( retrieving my glasses if they fall off my head) but when I put the faeces, weight loss and now coughing up blood 2 gether I realise think there has to be something wrong? All advice greatlywelcomed
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog eats and drinks fine. He's walking a little sore and stiff. He coughs up drops of blood every once and a while. Now that he pooped it looks like coffee grounds. What can it be?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Leave your dog for a bit then see how your dog is because that only lasted for 1 week with my jack russel.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Our  dog eats really well but has started havin panic attacks and then a coughing and to add insult to injury brining up blood
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is "Thrombocytopenia". Dog throws out blood and this can result into something more serious even. There are symptoms of cancer so take your dog to vet as soon as possible. Get its body Xrays and scanning to know if this internal bleeding is due to some infection or not.

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