Honey bees collect pollen and nectar in the spring when most flowers and plants are in bloom. They use their long, tubelike tongues like straws (called proboscis) to suck the nectar out of the flowers and they store it in their stomachs and carry it to the beehive. While inside the bee's stomach for about half an hour, the nectar mixes with the proteins and enzymes produced by the bees, converting the nectar into honey.
The bees then drop the honey into the beeswax comb, which are hexagonal cells made of wax produced by the bees, and repeat the process until the combs are full. To prepare for long-term storage, the bees fan their wings to evaporate and thicken the honey (note: Nectar is 80% water and honey is about 14-18% water). When this is done, the bees cap the honey comb with wax and move on to the next empty comb, starting all over again. So, strictly speaking, bees actually do not create honey. The honey we eat is a plant product, nectar which honey bees have regurgitated and dehydrated to improve its nutritional properties.
It is always so interesting to explain the question of "how do bees make honey". I have written a short ebook entitled "Darling, honey is good for you" which uses very simple language to specially explain to kids (3-6+) what honey is and how honey is made and collected by man. So far I have received enthusiastic requests for the ebook from all over the world -- United Kingdom, Zambia, Nigeria, United States, India, and Saudi Arabia. All you need to do is fill in a simple form to get it free!
Finally, more facts on "how do bees make honey" -- they also make honey to store it in the hive as food for the winter when there are no blossoms and therefore little nectar available. However, a hive only needs a small portion of honey to survive the winter, meaning that the extra honey can be harvested by beekeepers, who will then remove the honey-filled combs from the beehives and extract the liquid honey for use by first removing the wax cap with a sharp knife or a machine and then placing the bee hive frames in a large centrifuge to get the honey out of the comb.
Beekeepers has the choice of reusing the comb by putting it back into the bee hives to be refilled with honey instead of melting it down to make candles. In this way, the bees don’t have to re-build the comb and the beekeepers have more honey to sell.
Source: www.benefits-of-honey.com
The bees then drop the honey into the beeswax comb, which are hexagonal cells made of wax produced by the bees, and repeat the process until the combs are full. To prepare for long-term storage, the bees fan their wings to evaporate and thicken the honey (note: Nectar is 80% water and honey is about 14-18% water). When this is done, the bees cap the honey comb with wax and move on to the next empty comb, starting all over again. So, strictly speaking, bees actually do not create honey. The honey we eat is a plant product, nectar which honey bees have regurgitated and dehydrated to improve its nutritional properties.
It is always so interesting to explain the question of "how do bees make honey". I have written a short ebook entitled "Darling, honey is good for you" which uses very simple language to specially explain to kids (3-6+) what honey is and how honey is made and collected by man. So far I have received enthusiastic requests for the ebook from all over the world -- United Kingdom, Zambia, Nigeria, United States, India, and Saudi Arabia. All you need to do is fill in a simple form to get it free!
Finally, more facts on "how do bees make honey" -- they also make honey to store it in the hive as food for the winter when there are no blossoms and therefore little nectar available. However, a hive only needs a small portion of honey to survive the winter, meaning that the extra honey can be harvested by beekeepers, who will then remove the honey-filled combs from the beehives and extract the liquid honey for use by first removing the wax cap with a sharp knife or a machine and then placing the bee hive frames in a large centrifuge to get the honey out of the comb.
Beekeepers has the choice of reusing the comb by putting it back into the bee hives to be refilled with honey instead of melting it down to make candles. In this way, the bees don’t have to re-build the comb and the beekeepers have more honey to sell.
Source: www.benefits-of-honey.com