
When U See A White Owl What Does It Symbolise?


16 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's likely that the owl has just found a new home near your house and is possible trying to protect some of its young. Leave the owl well alone and do not try and domesticate it. The owl will eventually leave people alone, live comfortably and move on in its later life. It's nothing worry about it.

Some people like to have 'conversations' with owls, though, and you're in the perfect position to do so. You should research the kind of owl that is hanging around your home. Stand outside your house and make sure you listen carefully to the kinds of noises that it is making. Many owls hoot, but others can make hissing noises. Other owls even sound like dogs barking or horses neighing - they make quite diverse noises.

Then when you have studied the owls and you have heard the sound of the owl, you should wait a moment and then call the owl back. You simply need to imitate the sound and the tone that he owl makes, as well as the pitch and the volume of the bird's call. It doesn't need to be perfect, just do it as best you can and wait for a reply. It may take a moment to get a reply, but when the bird does hoot back to you, make sure you return the call again. You should take your time when you're responding, as that's what owls do naturally anyway.

Just continue the conversation with the owl, and be sure to match the sound as close as you can. The owl may come closer to you and if that's the case then you will hear the call getting louder and louder.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Owls generally are often used to represent wisdom in Western folklore, and the white owl often symbolised spirituality or wisdom in ancient cultures. In India, I have heard that the white owl is supposed to suggest good luck or prosperity; but I don't think owls generally are associated with this.

But if you've seen a white owl, why should it mean anything? Basically people get excited by white owls because they're noticeable, not because they carry some kind of message.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are saying that a white owl means good and bad luck
but many have there believe
I seen a white owl that flew across me and my boyfriend he said it meant death but I asked one of my friends that knows about that he said it means good luck
I guess everyone has there own belief
samantha da baddest Profile
I am 19 years old now but when I was like 13 or 14 I looked out my window and saw a white owl on top of the shed beside my  house and it just stared at me for like thirty minutes I was bymyself in the living room and then I just ended up fallin asleep to its beauty I think it was a guardian angel.   =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My grandma told me that owls pick up souls and when you see one, one of your family members will pass on and the owl will be there to pick there soul up this is a good thing owls pick up good souls so I wouldn't be scared if I was you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I vividly remember when I was young I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an owl outside my window looking in at me, not too long after I saw it on my dresser watching me as well.   It was like it was real but not at the same time.   The last I saw it was on the foot- railing of my bed and I fell back asleep.   This is one of my most vivid child memories, and growing up now I'm finding out all sorts of interesting things about life and spirit/ energy.
Any similar experiences?
kami kami Profile
kami kami answered

I am about 40 years old now, and nowadays I search about religions and god. Sometimes I doubt about the existence of god but a memory about white owls from my teens is stuck in my mind and it causes me to believe in god or something like god, something like a supernatural being.

In that time my dad was in hospital, and in the morning I saw a very big and white owl on a rope and then it started to moan and suddenly flew away and disappeared and it left a few feathers. At the same time the telephone rang and someone told me my dad is dead.

I went to the yard to get the feather and put them in my book but I could not find them anymore.

And that is why after 30 years I am searching about white owls.

Daidipya Ghodnadikar Profile
It is usually said that watching owl is unlucky..that can cause sudden death of family member,but it is not true..owls are birds like others...they are not unlucky..nowadays white owls are about to extinct so if you watch them feel yourself lucky.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a women I was outside with a male friend we where talkin gin a owl flew in the tree and start look at us then came down like he was come to him what dose this mean
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I seen a white owl and I know that it doesn't mean any thing in fact it was just pretty cool to see one, Although it was for a brief second then it was gone..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I been sleeping and this bird broke into my room while I slept and watch me I'm not sure why. It is a strange thing. It's feathers  missing in some places.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My girlfriend had been seeing 2 white owls every night this last month.. Our best friend Died last week. She hadnt seen the owls since. Then she saw 2 again last night. Its creepy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As a teen, over a span of three weeks, I saw two white owls in a nearby field.
My mom, then 42 years old, died quickly and unexpectedly. After that, sadly, the owls disappeared and were never to be seen again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means that this particular owl wants to peck your eyes out. It is not normal owl behavior to peck eyes, or approach humans, but there is a disease very similar to rabies that circulates in owls. It destroys the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fear, and so they lose their natural fear of humans. This is coupled with less-understood brain changes that appear to cause the owls to fixate on small, mobile white objects (frequently these objects are mice; the owl's natural prey, and it has been hypothesized that it is their ability to differentiate between mice and objects similar to mice that has really been destroyed). In short, the owl wants to get at your eyes and is staring at you as it waits for a chance to do so. I suggest you go out and invite the owl to take its best shot. There is nothing to be gained by avoiding the owl, (except the continued use of your eyes, of course).
Julie Woods Profile
Julie Woods answered
When you see a white owl, you have simply seen a white owl.  There is no symbolism involved. They are indeed beautiful!
Cyntia martinez Profile
Cyntia martinez answered
It's bad luck, and it' the horrible thing I ever seen, because of his appearance my baby died inside of me I was 39 weeks pregnant. Hopefully they extinct forever. I hate them and god for taking may baby away from me. And I know that because my baby was in good health.
Now what do you have to say to that. Your going to start thinking now that they are bad luck.

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