Yo Kass answered
Whilst it can be very tempting to treat your beloved cat or dog to a treat that you might find tasty, it is important to remember that not all human foods are suitable for animal consumption.
Giving your dog or cat simple little treats like chocolate, grapes or even milk can have serious effects on your pet. This is because of the differences between a human digestive tract and that of an animal.
Here is a list of seemingly harmless human foods that you shouldn't be feeding your pet.
Human foods that are harmful to animals
Uriel 1998ts.
Giving your dog or cat simple little treats like chocolate, grapes or even milk can have serious effects on your pet. This is because of the differences between a human digestive tract and that of an animal.
Here is a list of seemingly harmless human foods that you shouldn't be feeding your pet.
Human foods that are harmful to animals
- Chocolate- It's well known that feeding your dog chocolate can be harmful to him or her. The danger lies in the methylxanthines that are found in anything derived from the cacao bean.
- Coffee- also comes from the cocoa bean so is also a no-no for your furry companion. The effects on your pet of ingesting methylxanthine can range from vomiting and tremors, through to seizures and even death!
- Alcohol- is fairly dangerous to pets. It can affect everything from their nervous system to the acidity levels in their bloodstream.
- Yeast/dough- If your pet ingests yeast it is likely that it will expand inside the intestines of the animal. Effects range from increased gas, through to rupture of the intestines. Feeding your pet cooked yeast products like bread is OK in small portions, but shouldn't constitute more than 5% anyway.
- Grapes/Raisins- Not much is known about exactly why grapes and raisins have an impact on a pet's digestion, but they do. The kidney is the organ that has most trouble dealing with grapes and raisins, with kidney failure reported in certain cases.