
At What Age Do Boston Terriers Go Into Heat?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Puberty in dogs including Boston Terrier is usually achieved after 6-8 months of age. This is the time when female dog has first heat cycle. First heat cycle in dogs can be as early as  months in case of some small breeds and as long as 18 months in some large breed. Canine heat cycle can last for 2-4 weeks with an average of 3 weeks. Gestation in dogs can be of 57-68 days with an average of 63 days or 9 weeks.
David Mathley Profile
David Mathley answered
She can go in heat anytime between 6 months to 11 months for the 1st time. You need to wait till at least the second cycle (over a year old) before breeding her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The average female dog has her first cycle about 8 months of age. A few dogs start earlier and few dogs later, even as late as 14 months. Mine was at 10 months.

If you have a new female puppy, you should watch her and note when she has her first heat cycle. If she’s 14 months old and still hasn't been in heat yet, you should take her to a vet.
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Anonymous commented
i got my Boston baby when she was 4 months old. She is full Boston but the original owner bought her thinking she had enough time for her. Anyways when I first got her I thought she was fixed because I thought I could feel the scar. She ended but getting her first period when 4 months later when she was 8 months. Now she is 15 months old. How much longer before her next period?

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