
How Do I Treat My Dachshund's Bad Breath?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog have a really bad case of doggy gingivitis... He drools and can hardly eat hard food what do I do? I give him soft food.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The canine teeth are not missing because your dog is a Dachshund--this is not a hereditary trait.  Dachshunds and other small breed dog are prone to dental tarter that leads to recessed gumline and abscessed teeth.  This makes teeth fall out or need to be extracted.  Dental tarter and abscessed teeth make the breath smell bad.  Have your dog examined by a veterinarian to examine the oral cavity and assess the health of the teeth.  Your dog may need a dental cleaning and any infected teeth may be extracted.
The smaller breed dogs are more prone to dental tarter-this may be become their tooth to mouth ratio is off and often the oral cavity is overcrowded. 
The oral cavity should be examined to make sure there are no mass effects, infection, or tumors present.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My miniature daschsund has had about  12 teeth pulled because of dental problems. After having his teeth taken care of and cleaned by a vet, his terrible bad breath returns.  After the third cleaning done by the vet I took our dog back an d told the vet I believed that our dog had an infection in his mouth.  Our vet agreed to give our dog some antibiotics and within 3-4 days his breath had improved 90%.  Hampers that he did have some type of abscess.  He is on a 10 day antibiotic treatment.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a common problem. This bad breath thing is usually common in small breed dogs. This happens because of the absence of canine teeth inside the mouth. Here is a website from where you can read more about this problem and how to get rid of it.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
Bad breath can be caused by a few things. Either your dog's teeth are bad and need cleaned or it can cause MANY problems like infection or abscess (which can also cause bad breath) and even affect things like their heart over time. Sometimes bad breath can be caused by infection or something like an internal problem or disease like liver or other problems. Best to have your pup checked by the vet to make sure it's just the teeth and do what you can before it's something worse. Good luck to you.

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