Could you be pregnant? This discharge could be due to implantation bleeding. This occurs when the fertilized egg burrows itself into the uterine wall, which may cause both cramping or bleeding (or both).
Not all women experience this, but the ones that do often mistake it as a late, or light abnormal period. Wait a … Read more
You could still be pregnant. Try taking another test or go to your doctor and have a blood test done to detect pregnancy. (most accurate) during the first few weeks of pregnancy a lot of women (in fact this is one of the most common things to happen in the first trimester) complain of the … Read more
Well, being that its only 2 weeks old, theres several of things that could be wrong...
1) baby is constipated-
try a formula that is made just for babys who get constipated. You may need to go to the drug store and get some baby suppositories. It really helps. (make sure you have the baby … Read more
Both the people below are right, but they have it backwards. I'm assuming your needing an icing color? Well. Thats what I do. Your best be is to get butter recipe icing, its white in color, and I personally think it tastes the best. Get some food coloring- making sure you have purple. (unless you … Read more
I have a 2 year old Chi/Long hair terrier mix, Hes only 8 lbs. Hes so small, friendly and loves to cuddle. They are a great (mix) breed if your looking into getting one. 
Go to
Sounds like your sewage line may be backing up.
Its common if there may have been recent rain.
Or maybe you want to try some rid-x.
Keep an eye on it.
It depends on the extremity of the condition.If you just don't like the way it looks and want to change it, then It would be considered cosmetic surgery- and most insurance companies WONT pay for anything cosmetic- such as breast enlargements- botox- etc. A lot of women that have had children complain of this problem, … Read more
Oxycontin, Vicodin, Tylenol#3, Oxycodone, Dilauda, Heroin, Codeine, Morphine, Methadone, Fentanyl, Percocet, Rocicet. Other pain killers, such as illegal drugs, or over the counter drugs as well., Probably many more but these are the most
common. Sorry if I spelled some of these drugs wrong.
Basically any drug that alters the mind.
Yupp, haha. How else??!
The best thing you can do is take him to the vet and let them do a stool test for worms. You need to have him on preventatives to keep him from getting fleas/ worm/ heart worms.
Umm. There is no safe way to not get pregnant having sex. Lol. Its bound to happen if your not protecting yourself. The only way to not get pregnant is to not have sex. But if you should choose to have sex with no condom, you need to take other extra steps to make sure … Read more
Well, I don't think the grandparents should be held responsible. It is totally the kids fault. How old is this guy anyways? If hes old enough to have sex, hes old enough to take care of a kid. And even if he should choose not to, his parents should not be made to pay for … Read more
Yes, it serves as a lubricant to help you pass your bowel movements. However, heres an interesting fact. Did you know that you are not supposed to wash your rectum with soap and water?!! How crazy does that sound??!! My mother recently had surgery on external hemorrhoids, and a hemorrhoidal fissure inside her intestines. Her … Read more
Yes it is safe. But be aware, you need to wear protection. Even though she is pregnant, she and the baby can still be prone to infections. Also, if she is in her late trimester, any sexual activity can start up contractions, and your sperm can soften her cervix causing her to dialate. Congratulations on … Read more
The average heartbeat for a healthy child is 120 beats per minute.
Men is 70 and women is 75.
Well most dogs go into labor around 60-64 days after they have got pregnant. If shes an inside dog, she will start to drag items of clothing and such to a dark corner/are where she plans on having the puppies. She will become very restless, but may take only a few short naps. She will … Read more
I also have a beagle. It normally takes around 60-65 days after conception for the pups to be born.
Same thing with me. I stayed congested and everything.
My doctor gave me a list of specific meds that I could take for certain things. I was allowed to take over the counter tylenol for colds etc... Just ask your doctor to make sure.
I found out that I was pregnant in July...
Even though I had my period for that month.
I never had many symptoms.
I just felt real tired and I had headaches a good bit.
And I didn't start really gaining any weight till about 3 or 4 months.
If you suspect you are pregnant … Read more