
How Can I Remove Dried Feces From My Yorkie Puppy's Butt? Washing Doesn't Help.


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

you may find using some baby oil helpful

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok.,  I found this cute yorkie.,  and it was very cold, so I took her in.,  she seemed fine up to  3 days ago,  she has trouble doing no.2    it gets stuck in her butt and ive had to take it out  for her.  It kills me couse she hurts when I do this.,  so I gave her a bath and cleaned her and with some small scissords  I cut out the hair  arround her little butt.  But this morning   I found the same situation, where her   pheses was stuck in her butt again even after I cut out all the hair arround her butt.  I am now concern that  she might be sick, but she has been fine for the last 4 weeks before that and she did her no.2  normal.    Anyone  seen this kind of thing in this bread before?.
Midnite star Profile
Midnite star answered
Best way I know to cut it out with a scissors...Just be careful not to hurt the doggie's little butt...Good luck.
Kellen Frank Profile
Kellen Frank answered
Tweezers my unlucky friend

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