
Which Is The Fastest Bird In The World


8 Answers

Daisy Sarma Profile
Daisy Sarma answered
When we talk about the fastest bird in the world, there are immediately two possibilities that open up. Are you talking about the bird species that flies the fastest or the species that swims the fastest? This question is very pertinent because we have birds in both these categories. The bird that is considered to be the fastest flier in the world is the Peregrine Falcon.

Bearing the scientific name Falco peregrinus, this bird is indeed the fastest living being alive, faster than even the cheetah. It reaches speeds of over 124 miles per hour when flying on an even plane. When it gets into a swooping steepling dive, it can reach speeds close to 170 miles per hour ( the official number given is 168 miles per hour)! The swooping dive is evident in exhibitions of individual territoriality or during a hunt for prey.

The bird that swims the fastest is the Gentoo penguin. These birds can swim at an amazing 40 kilometers per hour. The Gentoo Penguin is usually found in the Antarctic Islands, and are usually present in large numbers. These birds have distinctive markings that differentiate them from other similar penguins.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The ea-gel
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The ...humming bird it is faster than a rocket
rick Profile
rick answered
The fastest Bird in the world is the Peregrine Falcon. Which has been clocked at 180 MPH in a steep dive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The peregrine falcon and it also could be the spine tailed swift

peregrine falcon dives at 200 mph while the spine tailed swift flies at 106 mph but the falcon flies at 175 mph therefore the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The fastest bird is the peregrine falcon at a speed of over 200 mph.

The fastest FLYING bird is the spine tailed swift with a speed of 106 mph

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