Depending on the breed between 10-12 teats.
The average farm pig has 12 teats.Some have as few as 6 or 8 teats.Top sows (female pigs) have 14 to 16 teats.Through selective breeding the teat count can be increased which increases the number of piglets a sow can support and wean.The number of teats on a boar is important because his daughters will have his genes in part so if he has more teats they're likely to have more teats.See this page for a chart of the pig:
-WalterSugar Mountain Farmin the mountains of Vermont
-WalterSugar Mountain Farmin the mountains of Vermont
The U.S. Government has about 280 million teats, and the people of the United States are always looking for some time on the nipple. As far as pigs go, beats me.