What Do Wild Ferrets Eat?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ferrets like to eat whole small prey such as rodents. Ferrets will also eat birds, prairie dogs, bunnies and sometimes frog or road kill. They can eat vegetables but are mostly carnivores. As a treat, ferrets usually like to eat eggs which they need to steal from chickens, geese etc. If you have a ferret as a pet then you should get a hook on food bowl to hook on to your cage. You should give your ferret small rodents, ferret food or cat food. The food needs to be out 24/7 because ferrets tend to get hungry a lot and you should never let the food go down less than half way.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually there are Wild Ferrets, Look up the North American Black Footed ferret, they came close to becoming extinct. As for what they eat according to some conservation sites:
Staples prairie dogs make up 90% of a ferret's diet. A ferret may eat over 100 prairie dogs in one year.
Known to eat ground squirrels, small rodents, rabbits and birds"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wild ferrets will eat small rodents or birds they might eat road kill.  But I wouldn't suggest feeding them this as they might get a disease!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are no "wild" ferrets. Ferrets are domesticated, which means they were bred from an animal called the european Polecat. Polecats are genetically different, just like dogs came from wolves, ferrets came from Polecats.

In the wild, polecats are obligate carnivores. They eat small birds, rodents, sometimes frogs. They are not like ferrets - they are solitary, and do not like people or other polecats.
Ben Will Profile
Ben Will answered
The natural diet of their wild ancestors consisted of whole small prey, i.e., meat, organs, bones, skin, feathers, and fur.

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