As soon as I straighten the throw rugs, my dog goes and rolls on them to mess them up again. Haha, I forgive her though. Anybody else, is in trouble!
I swear my cat thinks knocking coasters off the end table is a hobby. Does your pet have a "hobby"/ compulsion?
My daughter's rabbit is protesting and flinging his bedding at my middle daughter while she is trying to do her school work! Lol! He wants undivided attention i think!
When I'm on the sofa and I hear my dog lapping at his water bowl I know he will soon come and see me. He loves to nuzzle his nose and chin against my knees.
Drying his face on me. I know it sounds gross but I wouldn't change that for the world. So cute. I've learned to keep a face cloth near by when I'm wearing something nice.
My dog likes to catch and kill crickets and put them on the sofa. When I go out for a few hours, I know I'll find a few on the sofa when I get home.