Make your son clean it.
Last night my son's dog pooped on my son's carpet. My wife told him to pick up the poop. Then my son picked up the poop. The next morning I found out my son didn't clean the carpet after the dog pooped on the carpet. What should I do?
Make a mixture of half vinegar and half water, then apply it using a water bottle. Next, cover the area with baking soda. Really grind the baking soda in so that it gets all the way into the carpet fibers. When the baking soda is dry, vacuum it all up
Resolve Carpet Cleaner works good on carpet stains.
Thank you guys very much!
I always found that good ole Simple Green works great for that! Spray the area and let it soak in good and then use two different rags. One to scrub it and the other to finish cleaning it. Simple Green works for almost anything !