I almost think they have to because of their size. They are so cute (: I've seen some pretty big dogs shy away from little ones...
Yes my cousin's German Shepherds were scared of my medium size Cocker-spaniel ..So they had to stay in my back yard while she was here to visit lol and my Cocker-spaniel is all bark and no bite lol
I watched a Jack Russel terrier back down a big Dobie one time and was amazed. That Dobie was afraid of that little dog. It was hysterical! My Basset Hound acts like a tough guy till he gets close to another dog and his tail goes between his legs. Yes, it's awful funny and I've never figured it out !
I don't know if it's true, but I once heard that no matter the size of the dog, dogs do not think others are bigger or smaller, they think of each other as equals.