My dog is due her puppies today, temp 37.1, no signs of labour, no nesting, no panting, no restlessness, not loss of appetite only thing I have noticed is clear mucus when she pee's, is this normal?
Actually temperature is a very accurate indicator of when a dog will give birth. My dad used to breed dogs so we had plenty of pups in the house most of the time growing up, and the thing we always looked for was a temperature for 98°F or below.
You mentioned 37.1, I'm guessing that is Celsius, so I had a look what that would convert to, and you are just above the "24-hour zone", so she should go into labor within the next days or day and a half I predict.
- Dilated pupils.
- Want to hide in dark place.
- Digging and nesting
- Panting (as you mentioned)
- Staring at her butt (looking confused)