
What Is The Life Cycle Of The Brown Locust?


1 Answers

Taylor Edgar Profile
Taylor Edgar answered
Its life cycle can be defined as the egg, the hopper and the winged stages.

Most of the time the brown locust is inconspicuous, occurring singly and flying up into sight only when disturbed. But under favourable conditions, brown locust numbers can increase dramatically.

They undergo a sudden transformation from their relatively benign lifestyle and change in appearance and behaviour. They also become substantially larger, develop black and orange colouring and start to form into swarms.

When adult locusts begin laying eggs, millions will concentrate on a nesting place that could be as much as 100 hectares in size. The eggs will only hatch 10 days after the first good rains, and it has been known for locust eggs to survive undisturbed in the soil for up to 15 months in the absence of rain.

Two days after hatching the hoppers are ready to start migrating. They move in dense swarms, feeding continuously. As they grow, they moult five times and change into fliers. Fliers can and often do form swarms large enough to block out the sun and will travel up to 160 km in a day.

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