If your pup has parvo it will die within a day or two. It moves quick. I saved my pup from it. You got to force them to intake fluids. I could not afford a vet, so I used a turkey baster and mixed pedisure (an electrolyte fluid in the baby section of any pharamcy) and water. At one point I used chicken broth. Every 15 or 20 minutes, I filled the baster and force fed the little guy. It is possible to save them once they have it. BUT you got to force those fluids EVERY ten or 15- 20 at the most!!!!! ALL NIGHT NO STOPPING!!! It's gruelling- I cried and pleaded to God the whole way. I was up ALL night and into the next day. Buster Mogual made it through, I was a total wreck afterwords, but God let him stay! Don't mess around with parvo. If you even think pup has it, and you CAN do a vet---DO IT! It's VERY hard to try it yourself. Very expensive on all. GOOD LUCK FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU BOTH> God will provide