I have found a small white egg today, I don't know if it is alive or not as I don't know how to tell but I am going to keep it safe and warm just in case! It was near my Conifer tree in my front garden, I can't see a nest though!
I Found A Small White Egg On The Ground And There Was No Tree Anywhere Close For A Nest. What Kind Of Bird Is It?
We've found a small white egg on some grass when theres no nest around and there is something in it so were keeping it heated but we don't know what it is. Can anybody who actually knows tell me? X
My guess would be a Mourning Dove. They don't build a very sturdy nest to begin with, and the nest and the eggs are often blown a fair distance from the tree by gusty winds. Preditors also carry eggs from the nests, although they are usually broken.
It might not be a birds egg... Some lizards have birdlike eggs... It could be a ducks egg too? It all depends in what type of area you found the egg..
At work today we just found what sounds like the same thing it was not to far from a tree but same thing I looked all in the tree there was no nest. Does anyone know how to tell if it is alive?
Bob head bird
I think that it was a dove
I found a small whit egg at school on the carn but I could'nt see a nest anywhere. All there was was a shrub. So I'm going to keep it warm and dry. Ha ha lol I hope it hatches