How To Tell If My Rabbit Is A Boy Or Is It A Girl?


31 Answers

Bobbie Brown Profile
Bobbie Brown answered
You need to scruff the rabbit on the back of the neck and gently turn it over on its back. Then carefully push down on the genital area enough to open the genitals. If the gentials pop up with a small hole at the end, it's a male, if you see more of a slit thats long, then its a girl. When they are real young its hard to tell. Now if they are older, then you'll be able to see the males testicles easily.'
Remi/Zoey LamGor Profile
Well, I also have a Dutch rabbit and this is how I was told to check the sex of my rabbit: Lay the rabbit belly-up (even though it might squirm- you may need a friend to help you with this) and go down to the area right above the tail. You'll see what I'm talking about. Then fold back the two flaps of skin. If there is a little white pointy thing far away from the anal hole, it is a boy. If there is an ovalish looking thing with a line down the middle close to the anal hole, it's a girl. It is very hard to tell, especially when they are young.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Male rabbits have large testicles for their relative size.  Hold your rabbit on it's back and examine the urogenital area to look for testicles.  The vulva (opening of the vagina) if it is a female should be just under the anus and have an elongated shape. 
Make sure that this pet has not already been spayed or neutered.  This may be possible if it had a previous owner.
If you still have concerns or are uncertain of your abilities to determine the sex of this rabbit have this rabbit examined by a veterinarian.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can feel to see if its penis is long its a boy if its short its a girl
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
For seeing the difference between the two genders of the rabbit all one needs to do is It hold the rabbit in front of you with one hand, in a vertical position, as like you are facing its belly . Then with a finger or with a thumb and your finger of your other and open and see that the male urinary opening is in circle and the female has a vertical line. This test should be avoided for the bunnies which are less those 6 weeks old.
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
To know whether a rabbit is a girl or a boy all one needs to do is It hold the rabbit in front of you with one hand, in a vertical position, as like you are facing its belly . Then with a finger or with a thumb and your finger of your other and open and see that the male urinary opening is in circle and the female has a vertical line. This test should be avoided for the bunnies which are less those 6 weeks old
Remi/Zoey LamGor Profile
Well, first of all, flip the bunny on its back. Push on the skin closest to the pee pee hole. THEN push on the sides w/ two fingers. If it pops out w/ a straight little white thing, it's a boy. If it's just a line or it looks like a girl part, it's a girl. Look very carefully because sometimes you can't tell. Sincerely, Expert Breeders
(don't worry, we have a PHD)
andrea g Profile
andrea g answered
You need to hold the bunny on its back. You will have to push its genitals back to bring out its parts. So you pull back and out will pop out one of two things. A tube like genital or it will look like a tube with a line through it if it is a tube it is a male the female kind of resembles a female genital. You can find videos on line that can show you how to do it exactly it is not hard at all you just need to know what to look for. Good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to look in between their legs, if the genital is longish, and not very open its a boy, and if its open and small its a girl!!
You can do this by pushing to the left hand side of the genital and it shows if its open or not! If your not sure, you can always take them to somewhere like pets at home or a vets!

Hope that helps!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually,I'm not sure how credible that answer is Melissa6, but as it seems like a smart answer I wont argue,
a good way to tell if it is a male or female, I know it sounds gross, is to flip it on its back and press down on the spot just above its anus, if it older you can tell if its a male of female because a in a male you'll see his penis and a female there'll be just a slit. I hope this helps.
God Bless.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a lionhead bunny and he's a couple of months old and I still can't tell what he is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I' d like but I have 5 of them and one of them  keeps having babies so one or more of them is a dude lol
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At a certain age you will see a sack near the anal this means it is a boy, also as said before, the boys anal is round and the girls anal is vertical! Hope this helps jessica silvana! Xxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thats not true at all. Because we have 2 girl rabbits and their ears are long and the other is short.. Then the male his ears are short. You have to look between the legs of them both.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to bond with your rabbit after 2 or 3 weeks put another rabbit that is same age as yours any rabbit just same age and if your rabbit chase the other rabbit its a boy if not its a girl
melissa andrews Profile
melissa andrews answered
The easy way to determine weather a bunny is a male or female is to see the ears of the animale
ears are big is a male and if the ears are small and down it is a female.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can tell if your bunny is a boy by lookin down in that area . If it is a boy the "thing" will be like two flat balls.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't get it they r still pretty young so can I still tell because they look the same
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You first open its genital back, if you see a small tube like thing, it is a male, females does not have this and it has only hole.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No don't listen to that man you have to check his ears if its long and big its a male if tere small its a female
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hmm... To me, I think we should go to ASK.COM or either Google. Its a better search engine for us. But an auntie just said to me, that if bunnies are pregnant, the male bunny will make a ball in the female's neck. I'm not quite sure but I think this is REALLY true.

Peace. ROck. YO!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well you have to look at it's private part cause my cousin has a girl and she looked at mine and saw that hers was different from mine
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can flip them over on their backside (Try not to make them struggle) you can see a penis, Long: Boy   Short: Girl

Hope that helps!

Owner of 3 buns!

               Been a vet for 10 years!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your cousin looked at your private part thats sick if you let your cousin go that far your in love with your cousin
Marileidys Estrada Profile
I can't tell what mine is either because I heard that their private parts are almost the same.. So I have no clue, I already checked and it's too hard to tell
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
You have to look very carefully especially with a young one. The best way is to look at this website where you will find detailed explanations and very clear pictures.

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