
Which Is The Fourth Most Intelligent Animal In The World?


5 Answers

Arlene Fernandes Profile
A lot of what was earlier considered under animal intelligence is now studied under the heading of animal cognition, or cognitive ethology. Fields of interest in research under this category include attention, categorization, memory and tool use. It is still a controversial area of study. It may be surprising to note that fourth on the animal intelligence list, are pigs. They can be extremely intelligent animals.
On the intelligence rating scale, humans come first, then comes non-human primates. Dolphins are ranked third, and then pigs. Remember that people will always view some animals as being more intelligent than others. For example, in European cultures animals that are seen as intelligent in certain ways unlike other animals are dogs, great apes and horses. More recently they've also added dolphins and parrots to this list.
dusky d Profile
dusky d answered
What about elephants!? Why are they always missed out? They are thought to be of equal intelligence to dolphins and certain primates. Superior to pigs. Elephants are altruistic, use tools, shed tears, have all mothers, bury the dead, live in highly complex groups, are good at art, recognize themselves in a mirror, feel emotion (have even been known to commit suicide) and are easily trained to perform complex tasks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pigs are the fourth most intelligent animal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Writing a list of all the animal species would take a long time. Rats aren't stupid either, they're often more intelligent than dogs, and yet they are ignored just like the elephants.

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