
Why Is My Puppies Rectum Red And Swollen?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Swelling and enlargement of the anus in dogs can be due to many reasons like anal or rectal prolapse, insect bite and anal gland diseases like impacted anal glands, infected anal glands, abscess formation and tumors of anal glands.

You should take your dog to vet who will go for rectal examination and may order for blood tests. Treatment of anal swelling depends upon underlying cause, e.g. Antibiotics for infection, expressing the anal glands if no infection and surgery to remove and tumors.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Swelling in the anus of the dog can be anal sac disease. Anal sacs are actually anal glands which are expressed during defecation. Conditions like infection of anal glands or abscess formation, impaction, and tumors of anal glands etc can cause swelling in these glands. Diagnosis is by physical and rectal examinations and blood tests. Antibiotics are used for infections and  expressing the anal glands will solve the problem if no infection. Tumors are treated by surgery. Another possibility is rectal prolapse in which rectal tissues protrudes through anus. Its exact etiology  is not known but gastrointestinal parasites can contribute. Rectal prolapse requires immediate treatment.  Ideally, you should take your dog to vet for proper diagnosis and required treatment.
KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
Sounds like a rectal prolapse (the inner lining if the rectum is protruding). You should see your vet. It need's to be put back in (method will depend on severity) and the underlying cause (usually whatever caused constipation or the runs) needs to be discovered to correct the problem. You don't want insides hanging out to be out long enough to dry out and if your pup is unable to go due to the prolapse they will become septic very quickly. Better to get it checked out asap.
Muhammad Nadeem Profile
Muhammad Nadeem answered
Your dog might be having anal sac disease or rectal prolapse. Anal sac disease includes anal gland impaction, anal gland infection, anal gland tumor, and anal gland abscess. Another possibility of rectum problem of your puppy can be rectal prolapse. This is condition when tissues of the rectum protrude out side. Exact cause of this condition is not known but intestinal parasites can contribute. It will be better to get advice from your vet after physical examination.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the reason may be that he needs to poo. I sometimes find that when my dog is looking to poo his 'anus' goes bigger... Yeh it worried me the first time I noticed it too!

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