
Are Praying Mantis Dangerous To Humans?


8 Answers

Shayne Hutcheson Profile
In short, no, praying mantids are not poisonous. They do have sharp spikes on their forelegs which they can use to strike with if harassed.

For the most part, they are pretty safe to handle. If you notice them standing on their back legs and getting into a defensive position, then you know are they getting ready to strike.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, they are not dangerous to humans, but they can give you a nasty bite if you bother them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No they are not dangerous to humans
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
Praying Mantis, also known as Praying Mantid is basically an insect from the order Mantodea. They are usually found in gardens or green areas.
Tim vv Profile
Tim vv answered
They can bite but they don't have any venom. So pretty harmless to larger animals, ie. Humans.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is one species that can eat cats and is known to crawl into babies ears and start eating there ear drums
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are Praying Mantis Dangerous To Humans?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know because on Star Wars there was one and it was trying to kill one of the guys

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