-They have long legs so they can hop and move faster. Kangaroos have large, strong tendons in their hind legs which act as "springs".
-They can live in a hot climate as they are originated in Australia
-They have a pouch to take care of there Baby Kangaroo (A Joey). They have two different kind of milks in there body for different aged Joey’s
-Kangaroo’s have an ability to swim because they are strong.
-Kangaroo’s are herbivores (Don’t eat meat)
-They can live in a hot climate as they are originated in Australia
-They have a pouch to take care of there Baby Kangaroo (A Joey). They have two different kind of milks in there body for different aged Joey’s
-Kangaroo’s have an ability to swim because they are strong.
-Kangaroo’s are herbivores (Don’t eat meat)