It would be a beautiful dog I like 2 please....
Something like Lady Gaga but with a tail and only one sex.
I have a 4 month old pit/chi mix. Mom was the pit. Dad wanders the neighborhood and got under the fence. My pup looks very dachshund like. She's long, skinny and has short legs.
That isn't really possible unless the chihuahua is the male. If it was a female, it would prob die while delivering.
I have the same dogs! One has a chihuahua face but shes wide and muscular like a pitbull. But she's smaller, like beagle size. The other one (her brother) looks just like a bit bull, but he's skinnier and shorter.
To all of you people who say "that's impossible" or "the chihuahua has to be the male in order for that to happen" are IDIOTS!!! Do you research before you post your opinion people!! I worked at a vet and although the chihuahua could die during birth, it's not very likely that it will happen as long as the proper vet care is received during the pregnancy.
I think thats impossible. Pitbulls are too big...
I think that is very irresponsible if is true, specially if the chihuahua is the female she will most likely die when delivering the puppies.
Seen one today. It was very cute. Had a chihuahua face but was thick in the middle. He couldn't scratch his head. He legs were short. Looked like a fat chihuahua puppy. It was only 2 weeks old. His mother was the chihuahua.
The only way that would be possible, is if the Chihuahua is the male and the Pit Bull is the female. Here is a video I found of a Chihuahua/Pit Bull Mix!

A cross between a TRUE Pit Bull and a TRUE chihuahua IS pretty much impossible. Even if the male was the chihuahua, his penis is too small to achieve a "tie" inside a female pit bull. Just because a dog may have a small face and pricked ears on a large muscular body does NOT mean it is a pit bull X chihuahua cross. I'm not saying that it couldn't have some chihuahua and or pit bull back in its ancestry somewhere but the only way to ever PROVE to have a chihuahua X pit bull is with DNA testing. So, unless you have that, it's just a guessing game.
It will look like you. All dogs look like there owners.
That is impossible, only certain breeds of dogs can mate together with succession of a puppy litter.