Hey my name is Nina im 14 years old i'm shy <.< >.>
im a playfull and caring person who love's to have fun most of the time im hyper i love animal's, i get along with anybody of any color and any age," "if u say anything mean or bad about my friend's you're going down" "i dance around in my bra and under wear using my hair brush as a mic LOL sonud's silly huh? well i dont care who know's it,i love listening to music i love to scare ppl to death lol its funny and fun,
i love hangging out with my friend's there so awesome and i mean awesome!!!!!!! i love to watch anime i love drawing(its just that im not so good my mom is soooo good and my older brothers r better).........nobody can beat me at video game's well nobody that iv met,
"it's you're worst day ever" "and im right there with the camera":3
" when i bake cookies or cakes" "there always full of love" "never anger or hate" "just love.
"this is how good a friend i am"
"if you ever get sick' "do worry iv got you covered" :3
"lol i remember this day" "me and my friend Diana where coming home from the ice cream shop" "we where eating or ice cream ' "when she said hey Nina lets play a game" "she tell's me how to do it and stuff" "she did her's first' "then it was my turn when i kicked my shoe off this guy was walking by" "and it went bam on his head" "we where standing there like this (O.o)' "next thing i know where running like hell" 'and the guy right behind us" "he never did catch up to us XD :3 was fun"
"if something bad happens to you" "i wont just let you cry on my shoulder" "i'll cry with you"
"just be you' "not who people want you to be" "you not being you" "is like you're trying to be someone you're not" "and in the end you'll fall on flat on you're face" "the people you took as friends are not there" "you turned you're friends away" "to be something you're not' "when you're in need of a real friend" " thoe's friends you turned down' "are nowhere to be found" "no matter where you look" "you wont find them"
i love going shoping with my friends cuz we get to joke around and try on crazy and cool stuff lol
so true!
'i love walking in the rain"
"and i love fire( and no not to set stuff on fire i love the way it looks)"
"i love to dance"
"put some music on and i'll be dancing all night" XP
C'mon what's the worst that could happen?
"this is where my head is alway's at somewhere in these places day dreaming about what could be" i know it sound silly but thats just me
"i love watching the night sky for shooting star's and just to watch the star's"
"i love goodies and ice cream" :3
"awww these are just tooooo cute!"
Please. If you care about animals, please help spread awareness and put this on your profile. Please let people know it's not right to abuse innocent animals. Please, do it for them. Not doing anything is just as bad as abusing them because your letting it happen. Please help animals.
This is something i say to people when they call me a bitch..
I will break it.so dont break her heart.
I love butterfly's
I love rain
Tinker Bell Rock's!
My fav color's are Pink & Black and i love Stars and i love the Night thats when i'm most active,