Advantages..Less expensive...Get to see much more scenery...Disadvantages...Longer travel...more stopping w/ longer waiting...then again, that can be an you'll have time to explore the places you've been.
Yo is not right Yo is I...Mi is my...for example...mi madre y mother and father
Yo tengo.. I want
Yo tengo.. I want
My aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last year..the doctor gave her 3 months to live when she was diagnosed... She gets a good report from the oncologist and he says she's doing very well considering her advanced stage...She doesn't have to see him for another 6 months.
Yes, there's an inheritance tax...which needs to be claimed on your income tax.
As soon as possible.
Two disadvantages:
- It's not as compact as a laptop
- It's not portable like a laptop
Originally Phil Phillips with The Twilights in '59, then Del Shannon in '81, then The Honeydrippers did it in '84
You can apply for partial benefits..if you have enough working quarters in with a high quarter.
Apparently, he has 1 son named Mark.
I suffer from migraines...they are unbearable...everything hurts..from the top of your head, to the tip of your toes...any noise even a whisper can put you over the edge...a light? OMG that is blinding, searing pain!!! Give me a regular headache any day! I'd gladly take that over having to be cooped inside a dark silent … Read more
It means they're building a case against the person to arrest them in the near future.
Here is a picture of cardinals..the male is the red one the other one is the female. 

Oh they're so adorable! A cute name? How about princess..pumpkin...cuddles...My dog's name is Mollie..I call her my boo boo baby
You can't make liquor leave your system faster...once you've reached the point of intoxication, all the excess alcohol rests in your may expel it by vomiting ( not recommended for varying reasons) but, it's still in your blood stream. Time is the only thing that gets alcohol out of your system.
1 hour per … Read more
One avoirdupois ounce of gold is equal to 141.75 carats.
One troy ounce of gold is equal to 155.51 carats.
One troy ounce of gold is equal to 155.51 carats.
From the tar and nicotine in the cigarettes
She was the sixth of eight children, therefore, she had 7 siblings
It means without
I hope you had a happy belated birthday.
Yes, and most do