I think you're going to have to be the strong one here. You really like him? I am sure there are a lot of people you really like - sex is not about really liking some guy. If you do this- you'll undoubtedly regret it but if you don't - you will never regret it. … Read more
We do the rustic camping. Sleep in tents, cook over a keyhole shaped fire, we gather up lots of firewood for the next trip and have an old cooler buried in the ground with things we don't like dragging back& forth. We go exploring in the woods, and watch the stars when they come out. … Read more
Hitler was a masochistic meglomaniac - not a hero!! Does a hero imprison people, starve them literally to death, steal from them, burn them alive? What is the point of this? It's done & over except for the people who were directly affected and (if they were lucky) their families. Millions of people died as … Read more
More than that I get concerned about what will happen when these things we are used to aren't available. Do you remember a few years ago when the entire Eastern US, all the way to mi & ohio, was in a blackout for a few days? It was awful and " the reason" was 2 … Read more
Vacationing in the New England States in the fall is picture perfect. When the tide went out and we could walk on the ocean floor was very exceptional - we found all kinds of different life forms. It was like being on the Discovery Channel Live. It was in Nov.07 with my hubby. Our motel … Read more
I understand what you're saying. The whole ordeal of getting married, having children, dealing with a lifetime of cr*p then spending so much money to get out of it makes it pointless in my book. To do over again, I never would've gotten married - live together, yes but why marry? … Read more
You need to be very sure about to whom you are committing you life to. People who have been together for years & years at some point decided to fight for the relationship, no matter what while others get tired of being betrayed & hurt. When it's with the right person - it's great. … Read more
Being "shacked up" doesn't mean anything differently than being married. Most marriages don't last and cost a considerable amount of money to get out of it whereas being "shacked up", if it doesn't work you can just walk away. The plus side of "shacking up" is, I would think, you'd have to work harder for … Read more

Our laws come from God (Ten Commandants) but gov't has corrupted those basic laws into whatever they like under the guise of "rights" or "morals" which the gov't justifies if they fail to respect those laws and put themselves above those laws that the rest of us had better follow or else. I can not … Read more
Our laws come from God (Ten Commandants) but gov't has corrupted those basic laws into whatever they like under the guise of "rights" or "morals" which the gov't justifies if they fail to respect those laws and put themselves above those laws that the rest of us had better follow or else. I can not … Read more
I think there's a tendency to expect people you know well to entertain you. My family doesn't do anything different than your family but these are the funniest people I've ever known. Especially if you're lucky enough to have a crazy one in the house . Do something they wouldn't expect . … Read more