
What Are Causes Of Strong Urine Odor In Dogs?


5 Answers

Rory Copus Profile
Rory Copus answered
If there is a strong urine odor when your dog goes to the toilet you can assume that this is not normal and you are going to have to ensure that you take them to the vets when you next have the chance. It is likely that there is going to be an infection within the gall bladder which may be causing your dog to be uncomfortable when they go to the toilet.

If you do find that there is a strong urine odor when your dog goes to the toilet you may have also noticed that they are going to the toilet a lot more than usual to urinate. If this is the case you can be sure that there is going to be an infection and that your dog is going to have something along the lines of cystitis which is going to be causing them much aggravation and will need to be treated.

Once you have gone to the vets you may find that they tell you to ensure your dog only eats certain foods that are going to be dry foods to ensure that the infection can pass, and they will also tell you to ensure that you dog drinks a lot of water sot he infection can flow through bit by bit and the strong urine odor can be replace by the normal odor which is to be expected.

As long as you take your dog to the vets as soon as you have noticed the strong urine odor they can be treated as quickly as possible and the infection is not going to get any worse than it needs to. You can treat any infection that your dog may have which could have been due to stress or certain foods which they may have eaten a lot of.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a female 8 month old jack russel, her wee smells really bad what could be causing it and is there anything I can give her thankyou
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A very intense strong odor in your dogs urine could indicate some sort of infection in the bladder or urinary tract. Your dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How can I get my puppy to drink water, he does  not drink enough water, and his urine smells strong, appears to be healthy, very active
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
The most likely reason is that he's dehydrated. Make sure he/she has a good supply of water available at all times.

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