Fish don't really see in the dark they have something called a lateral line that is a thin horizontal line of nerve receptors on each side of the fish that runs from head to tail. Using it's lateral line, a fish can sense even the smallest of vibrations in the water and is able to determine objects around them before they even see it.
Fish have sensors that runs down their body. This is sort of like whiskers on a cat. They may not be able to actually "see" visually, but can "feel" things as they go along in the water. This keeps them from bumping into things. It is still a dispute as to whether fish actually "sleep" or simply go into a "resting stage".
No not really they sense things with senors on thier body so thats how they do it!
I think fish can see in the dark.Now I am not going to use any scientific explanation or anything.I think fish can see in the dark because on my fish tank there is a light and I feed them at night then turn it off and they swim around to eat the food just like they would in the light. Just by this it is plainly clear that fish can in fact see in the dark....thank you for reading this Bu bye!