Why Do Some Animals Seem To Always Be Chewing?


5 Answers

Kathy Castillo Profile
Kathy Castillo answered
This is called cud chewing and they really are chewing. Animals such as goats, llamas, rams, camels, giraffes, and some deer actually eat their food and store some of the food in a special pouch within its stomach. It later regurgitates this stored food and beings to chew it again. The stored food is called cud. This may sound gross, but it provides this animal a way of getting a lot of low nutrient food and it helps them to prevent hunger. Some of these animals, such as the llama or the goat cud chew all day long. Because of all of the constant cud chewing, these animals also have higher instances of dental problems. Many of these animals will loose teeth and if this happens, it makes cud chewing a little more difficult. Regardless of rather they have teeth or not, they always cud chew.

This type of chewing is called cud chewing . Some of the animals store their food in their cud and when the food is not available then they utilize the food in their cud .So, they always seem to be chewing.
Mia Teeliumtrozzle Profile
Rodents, such as gerbils and mice, chew all the time because a rodents teeth never stop growing throughout their life, and if the rodent does not wear his teeth down by continue chewing, then the teeth will grow too big and cause him pain.It is good to give rodents lots of cardboard.They love to chew it up and it is very good for their teeth.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Animals that have predators must eat as fast as they can when they are out in the open. This does not allow a lot of time for chewing. After the animal is back within some cover and out of immediate threat they will regurgitate the partially chewed food and finish chewing it to be digested. It is a trait that animals like cows still retain even though domestication has taken away a lot of the dangers of being in the wild.

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