You may have already answered your own question. From the symptoms you describe, it sounds like swim bladder disease. Two other possibilities are constipation or a tumor. Regardless, I know it is disturbing for you to have a fish behaving this way. If it is constipation, try feeding more greens to help him move his bowels. You can offer blanched zucchini or pinched peas as a sort of laxative to help. If you do not see any results from feeding greens then it is most likely the other two possibilities. Does he seem like he is "forcing" himself to swim down, but then once he stops he just bobs back up to the top? If so, then It is probably swim bladder. I once had a ryukin goldfish that had it. He kept eating everyday and had good fin color, so I let him be. He survived for another 5 months this way. There are humane ways of euthenizing a fish if you decide he may be suffering. Please do not flush any live fish down a toilet though, as the chlorine in the water will burn him like acid would burn human skin. Try www.wetwebmedia for more answers to help your goldie. I'm sorry you are dealing with this difficult situation. Good luck to you.
My fish have the same problem. We (my family and I) think its because the fish has swallowed air when getting food from the top of the water. Poor little fishes can't fart and let the air out (I'm serous they can't fart) So next time when you're giving them food put it underwater so that it sinks and your fishes don't have to go to the top and swallow air.
If the goldfish is still alive and can move around, it may be sick if it keeps turning upside down. If the fish isn't moving, and is floating at the top upside down, I hate to tell you this, but it has probably died, as this is how they usually end up when they pass away. I've seen live pet fish in both bowls and aquariums do this, and later on, they seem to be OK, and other ones either get sick or it's just their time to pass on. They're fragile animals, and they don't have long life-spans, especially when they're kept as pets. I hope your fish is OK, though.
Your gold fish has floppsy the fish float to the top and turn on there side or upside down. The fish eventually will not be able to turn over or swim he will only be able to float upside down (its sad) Most people say stop feeding him or her for a week or so. We have had a few of our gold fish get floppsy and the fish only gets worse. They say the fish swallow air when they take food from the surface of the tank. Feed your fish from the bottom of the tank or a few inches from the surface to avoid this.
Check with your local aquatic store. They may have a remedy although on other sites I have seen it suggested that epsom salt, and making sure the water quality is very clean, may help alleviate this. Another remedy I saw more than once is feeding the fish mashed up peas to help them pass any blockage they might have. Good luck.
Oh my god I thought it was just a stupid comment someone wanted to put about putting peas in the tank and its not it really does work thank you so much for the advice it was awesome my 4 year old is so happy to see his fish swimming again
Does it happen after eating only? If so, it is probably swim bladder disease. If you feed him flakes, when he goes up to the top of the water he will inhale oxygen. This will fill up the swim bladder with air and cause him to float and not be able to get down again.
Frozen peas (defrost, de peel and crush them before feeding) seem to work like a charm. Apparently it has got something to do with the gases in the intestine.
People are saying stupid things like its dead it obviously ain't if its still swimming
it may have some sort of disease my gold fish is doing it at the moment ...
But I can't get the stuff that cleans water because my perenc are out of town and I don't drive yet so I'm Hoyles is there any thing else that I could do
I got my fish on 18 august 2009 its been fine up an till now
I feed it once a day but I have 2 so I put allot in the tank
the fish that is on its side is a simple goldfish that is from a shop that I used to get my fish from and they had been fine. But now I'm really panniking. I thought if I gave you this info. You may be able to help me more. I hope someone can help me please ! X
it may have some sort of disease my gold fish is doing it at the moment ...
But I can't get the stuff that cleans water because my perenc are out of town and I don't drive yet so I'm Hoyles is there any thing else that I could do
I got my fish on 18 august 2009 its been fine up an till now
I feed it once a day but I have 2 so I put allot in the tank
the fish that is on its side is a simple goldfish that is from a shop that I used to get my fish from and they had been fine. But now I'm really panniking. I thought if I gave you this info. You may be able to help me more. I hope someone can help me please ! X
Its because they have eaten too much or have swallowed air
It may have a bladder problem, my betta did this, and my neon tetras, its some kinda disease but its easy to treat, hope feeshy is okay.
My Goldfish is doing the same. Thats why I'm looking on here. Hes just on his side at the top of the tank. At first I thought he was dead, but when I taped the tank, I saw him breathing.. So I cleaned his fish tank and hes still doing it. Hes a really hungry, greedy fish, so I gave him some food.. But hes not even eating it! I just went to check on him and he is still on his side :( HELP!!!!
He might have a bubble bladder disorder, common with gold fish. Feed him cooked peas guys are so immature....
1 fishes don't fart
2 when fishes are tired of not being able to look at the bottom of the tank, they don't turn upside down
if you don't have a fish air pump, I strongly recommend you getting one, anyways I hope your fish is alright
1 fishes don't fart
2 when fishes are tired of not being able to look at the bottom of the tank, they don't turn upside down
if you don't have a fish air pump, I strongly recommend you getting one, anyways I hope your fish is alright
Mines doing the same but lies on the bottom and on it's side, I have been told it's stress, but was told to feed it blood worms, frozen peas and add salt to the tank. Day 3 and he is still living at the bottom of the tank. It's fins up and it look really shiny and healthy but nothing. May be I just have a lazy fish.
I just googled that question, my fish was at the surface upside down so I went away thinking it was dead, then came back, to see it swimming. I found that it might be the bladder. Some times the fish go to the surface, and take in two much air. This as a result, causes them to flip over until their bladder empties the air, or deflates. Think off it as a balloon inside their stomach! It should go away by its self, but sometimes it its a sign that they might be ready to pass away, so I'm hoping for the best for my fish and yours.
Either its dead, its got dropsy or its got a swim bladder problem.
It could have dropsy.
Proberly most likely have air trapped in his bubble bladder
Thanks for the pea idea. Just fed ours the crushed peas with no skins. Hope he stops floating!
Swimming upside down is usually a sign of swimbladder disease
My fish is also doing this and all information that I am finding is stating to put frozen peas in the tank, your fish could be constipated. If when he is going potty if it is small and super stringy then he is constipated and frozen peas should work. Also, make sure the temperature is a 20 degrees C. If it is too hot or cold than gradually change the temperature. Also, try switching to fish pellets, if things still do not get better then I would call your local pet store.
My fish is having the same problem...very sad
My goldfish is doing the same. Did the peas thing work?
It could be dying just not dead yet.
If the fish is alive and is just floating upside down on the surface then theres a chance your fish has a swim bladder problem if so go see someone at an aquarium shop about it.
Is it alive they usually do that when they are dying check and see is you goldfish alive good luck
My fish does the same it has gas lol it sounds funny. But google it you have to feed it peas
I'm not sure? How old is it? It could being getting too old, or maybe bored. Add a little tunnel, bridge, live plant, or other thing the fish might like to play in
My fish is upside down and I'm getting scared ... I'm 15 years old and am really scared right now :(...... The tank is huge and has oxygen in it but I think he's gunna die I don't want him to I really don't .. Help me please
Its is still moving like spasms
Maybe he or she's just playing around.
How do I stop my fish from dieing if he has swim bladder
Your fish might be dead
If your fish is swimming upside down, put a few frozen peas in there.
Sorry, its dead.
Because it is Nealy dead
Some of my fish did this, it went away on its own for some, and others died. I hope your fish is ok.
These are fish in an outside pond. At least 3 out of 10 have been observed doing this. I don't think it is healthy.
Depends. If it is still upside down, its dead. But touch it with something, carefully, as I used to have a fish that would play dead for hours.
I think that his tail is damaged b-cause when I catch minnows they sometimes float around alive
I'm pretty sure it's cause he's tired fish can't stop swimming and I don't think they sleep or he's dying.
My goldfish have done that and I just stir the water and keep them swimming and they come right again!
Depeands what kind of goldfish if it is one with a really large head then the head got to big and sometimes flips over and gets sick normally if not this prabaly dead even if they move it could be the watter moving it upside down
They got tired of not being able to look at the bottom of the tank/bowl and just wanted to be different today..or they thought there was another fish in the tank and was showing off...
I think its maybe the water and also if you give it to much food
my fish died 1 day ago it was really sad
my fish died 1 day ago it was really sad
If change the water remember change 25% of water only if you change all your goldfish wont accept it and maybe will die
Hello!! He's Dead.... Or hes a upside down fish!
Sounds like the fish have died in that
Hit with a hammer
Did it die? If not then maybe he likes to play tricks on you.
My fish has the same problem, I hit him with a hammer and he is looking a bit worse...I think he has swim blader disease...