I know everyone will expect me to say cats, because of my rescue efforts. But I gotta go with bears. They're playful, fiercely protective moms, and beautiful.
What's your spirit animal? What do you think would be another Blurtit member's spirit animal? (not obvious like the avatar 😊 )
A deer.
According to the quiz on spiritanimal.info, mine is a bear.
"In the kingdom of spirit animals, the bear is emblematic of grounding forces and strength. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing."
Mine is a Jackalope: Dare to be different.
Mine would have to be a kookaburra. In my area, I wake up to hear one laughing almost every morning.
My shy and friendly nature makes me a deer. Such magestic creatures!
Mine would have to be a bear . . . Both cuddly and lovable, but a fierce protector of my cubs.
Well, I hesitate because the concept is associated with paganism.
But Aslan the Lion from The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis would be the one whose chacteristics I greatly admire.
I have an entire menagerie for spirit animals ... Depending on the situation.
Dear Nina Varganov,
For me the spirit animal is very clear, because it has appeared in dreams...it is the bear.
* * *
However for me there is also somehow a wonderful connection with... of all things...Hummingbird!
Oh...and since meeting our Dragonfly on the old Ask.com, and learning dragonflies are ACTUALLY fairies incognito, I have also loved dragonflies!* * *
It's TRUTH...I'm sure...