
what is the survival skill of an arctic fox?


2 Answers

AnnNettie Paradise Profile

I read that this sly animal is a scavenger, eating carcasses and scraps, but it supplements its menu with young birds and eggs.

Van Sy Profile
Van Sy answered

Besides using its sharp claws to drive away danger, the Arctic fox also defends itself with its fur coat. For instance, its thick coat protects it from the cold of its habitat by insulating it against the cold and holding in the heat. The hairs on the coat are covered in oil, which helps moisture to bead and roll off instead of soaking into the fur. Another way the fox's coat protects it is by serving as camouflage. During the winter, its coat turns white, enabling the fox to blend in with the snow in order to hide from predators or stalk prey of its own. During the spring and summer, its coat turns a brown and gray color to help it blend into its habitat. The Arctic fox has a relatively long tail, which is 12 inches long in comparison to its 2- to 3-foot body. The fox uses its bushy tail as a blanket or muffler that it can cuddle up to in the cold.

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