
I know I am a werewolf, but it makes me angry that I don't remember myself in wolf form, what color fur I have, color of my eyes ect. Why is this?


4 Answers

Izzy SouthernGirl Profile

I can not believe people like  this actually believe they are a vampire or a werewolf. You guys are crazy they are just myths.

Jenna Carlson Profile
Jenna Carlson answered

This is stupid. Grow up or something

Diamond Magika Profile
Diamond Magika answered

This makes me upset. Everyone saying wolves don't exist.

Some wolves had a pack, but something horrible happened to that pack. After that happens, the wolves go into human form forever and kinda get memory washed of that, so it doesn't scare them in the future

Are you afraid of guns or fire? Think of anything that you are afraid of that could of hurt your pack.

Anything other then that, no idea

Hope it helped

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