Yes they're tadpoles and the eggs would have been hidden in the algae to keep them moist and away from predators.They've obviously hatched and are now swimming in your pool.Your best option is to drain the pool and treat the algae and other bacteria with pool-specialist fungicide.
Recently my non built in swimming pool has had algae growing in it and we have seen thinks that look like tadpoles but we didnt see the eggs or anything so are they tadpoles or are they somthing else all though we have seen a few frogs in the garden?
Well, for there to be what you think are tadpoles in the pool, the eggs are not very visible. If you do see them They would be little black dots almost smaller than a penpoint that follow in a straight line. Also if you don't want them to die, but would like to swim in or put your pool away, then you should get a smaller blow up pool or a kiddy pool and use a bucket to scoop them out and into the smaller kiddy pool so they will eventually grow up. To clean your pool you don't have to have a lot of chlorine. You should try a saltwater system, considering that chlorine is not good for your skin or eyes. And it will keep your pool cleaner longer. Just make sure to keep your filter on at all times after cleaning the algea out. I really do hope this helped you out. Good luck!
Tadpoles or mosquitos, they need to leave. If you have algae, and little critters growing, it's not a good thing, in a pool. A pond..yes. Soon as the little jumpers are big enough, get them out and clean the pool. And keep it clean. If you have stagnant water, you will get mosquitos. In many areas, homes lose property value because of dirty pools. It is a genuine health risk and could be reported to your local county property inspector, and be fined for it. Check out "tadpoles" on Goggle images to make sure you know what your dealing with.
There probably Mosqutio larva you need to get lots of chlorine into the water if you have a pump and chlorinator turn it up or refill it that should kill the bugs but you may have to get algaecide to kill the algae if you don\'t have a pump you can try bleach I\'d go to a pool store for how much but I would not swim in it till you kill the bugs it could be dangerous they carry many water born disease