
How Do Dolphins Breathe?


13 Answers

Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Dolphins breathe through their blowhole. This is the specialised single nostril, which is situated at the top of their head. The process of filling and emptying its lungs happens in less than one fifth of a second. The blowhole functions at the speed of over 100 mph. There is a complex nerve that exists around the blowhole. This nerve can sense the pressure changes and this alerts the dolphin as to when the blowhole can be opened.

A dolphin breathes on an average count of 2 to 3 per minute and can hold their breath for around 10 minutes. They generally exhale at the surface of the water. At this point of time they quickly exhale and relax and close the muscular flap. As the dolphin exhales the seawater along with the respiratory gases is thrown up from the blowhole. Nearly 80 per cent of lung air exchanges during a respiratory process. The whole process of breathing takes around 0.3 seconds.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dolphins breathe directly into their lungs using blowholes which are found on the surface of their skin their mouths are not used at all for breathing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dolphins breathe using there blowholes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dolpines breatge with thier blow holes after comming outside the water. When they go inside dolphines cover there blowholes with there muscels. When some water come inside the dolphine so it comes on the land after some time and it blows it's water out of the blowholes like a fountain. As dolphines are mammles so that is why it comes out of the water to breathe. We (humans) also take breathe in the air as we are mammles and we have lungs so dolphines also has lungs that's the dophines come out of the water to breathe as we also cannot breathe in he water. The blow holes are situated at the top of the head of a :}
Maggie Peters Profile
Maggie Peters answered
Well .... For starter's I'll just say  dolphins are mammals in water and they have a special name.... That I forgot...anyways, like whales, dolphins go up, up and up to the surface and breathe though there blowhole . Now THAT is how they breathe and it isn't boring!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They breathe through their blowhole and exhale at the surface of the water.
Cameryn Schirmer Profile
They breath through their Blowhole on top over their head also their Brain is called a melon so here is your answer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This isn't actually what I was looking for. But I just happened to look at it anyway.... And whenever the dolphins breathe, you can't see the water come out of their blowhole. You can't actually tell its there! So.....

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